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Catalog excerpts

Flyer_B-LEAF_09_24 - 1

TWO-DIMENSIONAL HEXAGONAL BORON NITRIDE Atomically Thin, Ton-Scale While established players offer traditional h-BN powders, BeDimensional takes it a step further. Leveraging our world-class reputation in 2D crystals, we have achieved a revolutionary breakthrough: the world’s first industrial-scale production of atomically thin h-BN. This means you get unmatched performance with the benefits of high-volume production. Applications Cosmetics Electronics Lubrication Thermoplastics Paints&coatings Encapsulants Process aid Average from quality control Thermal Conductivity > 300 W/mK in-plane Dielectric Strength 80 kV/mm Low or ultra-low dosages Compatibility with liquid or solid host matrices Ease of processing Chemical and thermal stability

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Flyer_B-LEAF_09_24 - 2

Chemical and morphological properties UNIT AVERAGE VALUE LATERAL SIZE Microscopic analysis Transmission electron microscopy image of B-LEAF flakes Atomic force microscopy map of B-LEAF flakes Technical support and disclaimer Contact us regarding any questions, improvement suggestions,or problems with this product. More information can be found at or upon request. Data, specifications, directions, and recommendations in this data sheet represent test results or experience obtained under controlled or specially defined circumstances. Their accuracy, completeness or...

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