Few-layer Graphene For batteries_09_24
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Few-layer Graphene For batteries_09_24 - 1

FEW-LAYER GRAPHENE FOR BATTERIES What is G-LEAF: G-LEAF is few-layer graphene, produced at the ton-scale level by BeDimensional. It comes in flakes with thickness less than 10 atomic planes, complying with ISO/TS 8000413:2017 Enhanced battery life Faster charging times Physical Characteristics Improved energy density Enhanced sustainability e.g., potential for longer-lasting devices Chemical composition Tap density: 0.09 g/cm Grain size distribution D(50): 0.3-2.5 micron Grain size distribution D(90): < 18.2 micron Typical oxygen content < 2 %wt Iron < 1500 ppmw Chloride < 1000 ppmw Sulphur < 2000 ppmw FOR NEW GENERATION ANODES IN LI-ION BATTERIES Technical properties Ready-to use graphene powder G-LEAF allows to accommodate the large volume strains from active silicon, maintaining electrical connectivity. High specific capacity >3000 mAh/g 1000 mAh/g > 300 cycles @ 1 A/g >1500 mAh/g > 200 cycles @ 0.2 A/g Cost effective Ultrasmall addition needed Unique energy density vs cyclability: +30% compared to other additivies in coin cells (certified by VARTA). Via Lungotorrente Secca 30/R, 162163 GENOVA (Headquarter) Via Copernico, 38, 20125 MILANO (Registered Office)

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Few-layer Graphene For batteries_09_24 - 2

Expanding Horizons Other G-LEAF Applications in Li-ion Batteries Graphene-Based Current Collectors Enhanced Electrical Conductivity Improved Electrochemical Stability Anticorrosion protective coatings Reference: V. Marangon et al., Nano Research 16, 8433-8447 (2023) Graphene-Enhanced Separators Improved Thermal Stability Enhanced Electrochemical Performance Improved Mechanical Properties Reference: E Pomerantseva, et al., Science 366, eaan8285 (2019) Graphene-based cathodes Improved chemical stability Enhanced Electrochemical properties and stability Improved Safety by protective coatings...

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