Catalog excerpts
Portable Hardness Tester Por table Har dne s s Te s te r Standard package ARTIP 4100 is an advanced state-of-the-art palm sized metal hardness tester with many new features. It still used our patent technology which makes H4100 to have extraordinary accuracy:+/-2 HL (or 0.3% @ HL800) with high contrast colour TFT display and durable metal housing. It has a moving bar-graph display which can evaluate the workpiece upon deviation value by different colour for easy visual distinguish. HARTIP4100 can download measuring data to PC and printout to micro-printer by USB port and wirelessly with internal wireless module. The battery can be charged simply from USB port, also it has a customer re-calibration and statistics function. Equipped with impact device E (diamond ball tip), HARTIP4100E is especially suitable for the hardness material after heat treatment or the situation requiring a large number of tests. Equipped with impact device G, HARTIP4100G is especially suitable for measuring hardness of castings in HL (Leeb), HRB (Rockwell B), HB (Brinell). HARTIP 4100/4100E/4100G HARTIP 4100 main unit Internal probe E (only for 4100E) Internal probe G (only for 4100G) Test block G(only for 4100G) Integra te d de s i g n , e a s y o p erat i o n D u rab le me t a l h o u s i n g T F T320X3 2 0 co l o u r di s p l a y D & D L t wo i n o n e p ro b e (o pt i o n al fo r HARTIP 4100) D ia m ond b a l l t i p (o n l y fo r HART IP4100E) Wid e op e ra t i n g e nv i ro n m e nt : -20 o C-70 o C High acc u ra c y : + / - 2 H L (o r 0 . 3% @ HL800) Au to com p e n s a te e r ro r fo r d i fferen t i m p ac t d i re c tion M oving ba r- g ra p h d i s p l a y Two e va lua t i o n m o de s : B y L i m i t / D ev i at i o n Two calib ra t i o n m o de s : Co i n c i d en t / In d ep en d en t M u lti- p rin t i n g m o de Fou r d ispl a y s t y l e s S ou nd rem i n d e r U p to 10 k i n ds o f m e nu l a n guag e D ate a nd t i m e fu n c t i o n I t ca n conne c t to computer by USB or B lueto oth USB a nd B lueto oth inter fa ce, it ca n conne c t m i c ro -pr inter wirelessl y 3. 7 V Li-ion re cha rgea ble ba tter y, it ca n b e c h a rg e d by USB o r p ower s o u rce St at i s tic s val u e ca n b e cal c u la te d auto ma tica ll y Wi t h strength co nver sion val u e Power on/ off auto ma tica ll y o r m a nua ll y 3.7 V Li-ion rechargeable battery (internal) 1 Bluetooth module(internal) Data managing software Operation manual Test Certificate Carrying case Optional accessories D/DL 2-in-1 probe Bluetooth micro printer (powered by rechargeable battery) High contrast color TFT 320 x 320 HL/HRC/HRB/HB/HV/HS/HRA/σb 11 common metal materials, 75 curves Standard support ring for probe D Small support ring Leeb hardness measurement Special support rings H A R TI P 4100 Cleaning brush Small support ring Impact body D Impact body E Impact body G Carbide ball tip D Test block D with certificate G Steel/Cast Steel, Lam ellar I ron , Nodular I ron , Cast Alum in um Test block D w/o certificate European adapter plug 30 files, 100 data for each file, can be saved and re-readable Coincident / Independent En gl is h, S impl ified Chine s e, Tradit ional Chine s e, Russian , Korean , Fren c h , I talian , G erm an , Turkish , S pan ish US B/B l ue toot h to PC for t rans fe r r ing data, wireless printin g, USB for c h argin g Power on/off Auto / Manual 3.7V Li-ion rechargeable battery -20 º C~+70 º C Net weigh t ( g) Stan da rds *: D -D L 2 -i n -1 p ro b e i s o n l y a va i la b le for D L mode ls. HA R TIP41 0 0 E BAQ GmbH Hermann-Schlichting-Strasse 14 38110 Braunschweig / Germany Tel. +49 5307 / 95102 -0, Fax -20 h
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