Catalog excerpts

Production Line Comparison ⽣产线系统对⽐ Wrapping Machine Type KraussMaffei Represent Brand 代表品牌 Banline - China/USA Ridgeway Glodstone - China Pipe Diameter Range (mm) 管径 Continuous Production (km/GFroll) 连续⽣产能⼒ G.F Tape Wrapped Gaps Exists玻纤缠绕带缠绕间隙 Pads Number 单机带盘数量 Tape Pads (mm) 单机带盘⻓度 Tape Material 可缠绕材料 Glass,Carbon fibre Glass,Carbon fibre Glass,Carbon fibre Operating Pressures ⼯作压⼒ Market Applied Single Piece Tape Width (mm) 玻纤带带宽
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BL_Twin Screw Extruder
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