Catalog excerpts

Bringing Solutions Specification Detector Sensitive Area * Detectors with other parameters are available Built-in or Remote Preamplifier types are available depending on application Ability to increase energy rate to 20000 MeV/s Energy range from 3 keV to 1500 keV (2500 keV) Input window materials: Aluminum, Beryllium or Carbon-fiber Excellent peak symmetry & high resolution e HV supply protection if detector is warm e High count rate indicator e Variable cryostat design modifications ACCeSSOTieS (optional) Detection of Gamma and X-rays in nuclear energetics and environmental control, in industry and scientific research, in medicine and other applications. e Multichannel Analyzer e Analytical Software packages: « quantitative and qualitative analysis « y-spectra modeling & efficiency registration calculation for complex geometry objects e extended radionuclide library e Liquid nitrogen storage and filling system e Liquid nitrogen sensor and monitor Carbon fiber input window HPGe planar detector Preamplifier with cooled input stage Dewar vessel Cable set Baltic Scientific Instruments Ramulu str. 3 Email: sales@bsi.lv www.bsi.lv Gamma & X-rays
Open the catalog to page 1All Baltic scientific instruments catalogs and technical brochures
Infrared Detectors
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Borehole Gamma Spectrometer
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Deep-water Gamma-ray
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Whole body counter WBC
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Waste Assay Monitor HERCULES
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HPGe Detector
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Well-type HPGe Detectors GWD
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Baltic Scientific Instruments
37 Pages