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CATALOGO PRODUCT CATALOG www.badamh.com info@badamh.com +39 0424 382080 Via Albere 3/Q, 36060 Romano d’Ezzelino (VI), Italy
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AISI304, electric lift to 800 mm, designed to keep the goods at the suitable height to collect/deposit the loads reducing the operator’s effort. The side stabilizer rollers ensure stability and safety of the operator. Interamente in AISI304, asseconda la movimentazione manuale e lo sforzo dell’operatore. Dotato di maniglie laterali per direzionare il sollevatore e di sistema frenante su entrambe le ruote laterali. Perfetto per l’industria alimentare e farmaceutica. Fully AISI304, it supports the manual handling and the operator effort. Equipped with side handles to guide the stacker and...
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