Catalog excerpts

PARTIAL DISCHARGE AND TAN DELTA DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM simultaneous measurement of PD and TD Software incl. Database The b2 electronic GmbH PDTD60-2 Partial Discharge (PD) and Tan Delta (TD) diagnotics system for diagnosis of medium voltage cables, rotating machinery and transformers. PARTIAL DISCHARGE DIAGNOSTICS (PD) The Partial Discharge diagnostics on medium and high voltage cable offers the possibility of early detection of vulnerabilities through a precise localization of PD faults in cables and their connections (joints and terminations), often caused by mechanical damage or a faulty installation process. TAN DELTA DIAGNOSTICS (TD) The Tan Delta diagnostics (TD) allows a statement about the overall dielectric condition of cables. A deterioration or damage by so-called water trees in XLPE/PE/XLPE cables can be easily detected. Water Trees cannot be identified or measured with a sole partial discharge measurement. Compact, light and portable devices Simultaneous Partial Discharge and Tan Delta measurement b2 Suite® - comprehensive diagnostic software and database Display of cable route on OpenStreetMap® Very simple and clear measurement process Manual and automatic diagnostic mode Exact PD localization (PD mapping) Phase-resolved PD display (PD Pattern) PD Magnitude PD inception and extinction voltage PD rate High noise suppression by filtering Very high accuracy for Tan Delta measurement Extensive reporting Test setup according to IEC 60270 and calibration Monitored Withstand Test (MWT) according IEEE400.2-2013 PD and TD measurement unit in one device PD and TD me
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PDTD60-2 PARTIAL DISCHARGE & TAN DELTA DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM PDTD60-2 DIAGNOSTICS WITH VLF The diagnostic system PDTD60-2 (in combination with a VLF generator1) enables comprehensive diagnosis with sinusoidal output voltage with constant frequency, which is a prerequisite for the comparison of PD and TD measurement results of cables with different lengths. Load-dependent and therefore constantly changing measurement frequencies offer no basis for this. The sine wave output voltage is the only described VLF voltage form in IEEE400.2-2013 for partial discharge and tan delta measurements and...
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FEATURES • Automatic or manual modes for testing and PD diagnostics • Precise location of PD events on cable insulation, terminations and joints • Presentation of PD events over total cable length • Phase-resolved presentation (pattern)of PD • PD inceptions- and extinction voltage • Guided Diagnostics Process - leads the operator through diagnostics step by step • Automatic & manual gain and trigger setting • Sets or recommends measuring parameters • Recommended by Standards (CENELEC &IEEE), with guidance for interpretation in literature • Analog and digital frequency filters • Direct...
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www.b2hv.com I info@b2hv.com PARTIAL DISCHARGE DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM (PD) 1 Calibration Certificate for variable frequencies optional, 2b2 Suite V2 optional, 3 Please note: A VLF (0.1 high voltage generator (required) is not included in the scope of delivery.
Open the catalog to page 4All B2 electronics GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
4 Pages
HVA34 datasheet
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HVA94 datasheet
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HVA90 datasheet
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HVA68-2 datasheet
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HVA45 & HVA45TD datasheet
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General Catalogue
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BA75 Portable Oil Test Set
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PDC1 - 10nC PDC2 - 100nC
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