DC Electronic Load Model 8540
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DC Electronic Load Model 8540 - 1

Data sheet DC Electronic Load Model 8540 The 8540 DC electronic load is a very compact, economically priced instrument that is at home on both the bench and the production floor. The 8540 DC electronic load can operate in CC, CV or CR mode while voltage/current or resistance/power values are measured and displayed in real time, making it well suited to test a variety of DC power sources. CV Mode Regulation CC Mode Regulation Features & Benefits The 8540’s performance is comparable to most full size bench DC loads, yet it does the job at half the price and takes up half the space on your bench. Though this is a DC load in a small package, it can reliably test a 5 volt power supply to 30 amps and do it continuously. Operates between 0-60 VDC, 1 mA-30 A (150 W maximum) Easy operation Bright, easy-to-read display Very compact and light weight Two current ranges: 3 A (1 mA resolution) and 30 A (10 mA Constant current (CC), constant resistance (CR) and constant voltage (CV) operation Short mode to simulate shorts Save up to 400 instrument settings Power Measurement Over-current and over-voltage protection Voltage Measurement Included Accessories User Manual, Power Cord One-Year Warranty Technical data subject to change © B&K Precision Corp. 2021 v060221

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