1651A & 1652
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1651A & 1652 - 1

Data Sheet Triple Output DC Power Supplies Models 1651A & 1652 Specifications The models 1651A & 1652 are Triple Output DC Power Supplies with two variable 0 to 24 VDC outputs capable of supplying 0 to 500 mA, and one fixed 5 VDC output capable of supplying up to 4 A. Connect outputs in series for higher voltage or connect in parallel for higher current output (switch selectable). Voltage and current metering is provided by two, three-digit LED displays (model 1652) or two analog displays (model 1651A). These units are fully protected against short circuit, overload, and reverse polarity. Three (two variable and one fixed) 0 to 24 VDC (A & B) 5 VDC (C) 0 to 500 mA (A & B) 4 A (C) Output Voltage Output Current Const an t Vo ltage Ope ratio n < 0.01% + 3 mV main < 5 mV for line fixed supply < 0.01% + 3 mV main < 10 mV fixed 100 uS <2 mVrms (≤ 5 mVrms for fixed output) < 300 ppm°C No Load: ≤ 0.2% + 20 mV Full Load: ≤ 0.2% + 100 mV Line Regulation Load Regulation Recovery time Ripple & Noise (5 Hz to 1 MHz) Temperature Coefficient Tracking Error Independent or series/parallel tracking operation Adjustable current limiting Designed to operate continuously at rated output Const an t Current Ope rati on Adjustable Current Range Line Regulation Load Regulation Current Ripple Me terin g Display Voltmeter Accuracy Ammeter Accuracy Gen eral Overload Protection dual analog 2.5% to full scale 2.5% to full scale dual 3-digit LED +(0.5% rdg + 2 digits) +(0.5% rdg + 2 digits) Short circuit, over voltage, and reverse polarity protection Short circuit, overvoltage, and reverse polarity protection Included Accessories Power Requirements Power Consumption Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Dimension (H x W x D) Weight 3 sets of hook-up cables, power cord, sapre fuse & instruction manual Technical data subject to change © B&K Precision Corp. 2012 v071912

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