Brochure of the company


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Brochure of the company - 3

Your targets are our benchmark. As a dynamic, modern company, b+b AutomaƟonsund Steuerungstechnik GmbH is commiƩed to help its customers reach their goals. With our innovaƟve and custom-engineered special machines, control technology soluƟons and soŌware products, we make sure that they gain a compeƟƟve edge. We believe that long-term business partnerships with saƟsfied customers are crucial for sustainable growth and profitability. To achieve this, we offer our customers system soluƟons of the highest technical standard tailor-made to suit their requirements. As a reliable partner, we are...

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Development depends on growth b+b AutomaƟons- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH was founded in 2006 by Kathi and Alexander Beck and quickly developed into a highly successful provider of innovaƟve soluƟons in a range of business areas: Intelligent concepts for the safe and efficient serialisaƟon of packaging for pharmaceuƟcs and chemicals. ▪ At the core of the system is a modular soŌware architecture. This approach ensures that the soŌware can be adapted at any stage to changing requirements at reasonable costs: for instance if you wish to incorporate addiƟonal lines and sites in the management...

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FACTS AND FIGURES FoundaƟon (BBK): FoundaƟon (b+b): AŌer many years of close cooperaƟon between b+b and BBK that led to many synergies, the two companies decided to merge and are now perfectly posiƟoned for growth. Alexander Beck Kathi Beck CORPORATE ORGANISATION FOLLOWING MERGER Lothar Beck Employees: AcƟng as the holding company, b+b AutomaƟons- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH is now the owner of BBK EƟkeƫer- und Sondermaschinenbau GmbH and BBK Labelling and Coding SoluƟons Ltd. Labelling systems Special machines SerialisaƟon systems SerialisaƟon soŌware b+b makes all business decisions and is...

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ConƟnuity under a new flag The two manufacturing divisions of BBK are being combined and merged with the b+b producƟon operaƟon. Our specialists would be delighted to answer all your queries and quesƟons! GIVEN THE GREAT REPUTATION OF BBK AS A SPECIALIST SUPPLIER OF LABELLING AND PACKAGING MACHINES, THE BBK BRAND WILL BE CONTINUED. The new holding company guarantees an efficient infrastructure with clearly defined responsibiliƟes. All staff of the two former companies will conƟnue to work for the new merged enƟty, which means that we will conƟnue to benefit from their dedicaƟon and experƟse. This...

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We do this by conƟnuously improving our products and soluƟons, which enables us to enhance customer saƟsfacƟon and remain profitable. As profitability is a key requirement for any company that wants to survive, ensuring that we achieve our quality targets is a one of the main tasks of our management team. For the assessment of the performance of our staff members, the quality of their day-to-day work is therefore a major factor. Our employees know that what they do is important and enables us to achieve our quality targets. We make sure that responsibility is shared between funcƟonal divisions...

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Project management – we are there to assist you Projects are normally divided into a number of phases with defined targets and goals. This approach reduces the complexity of the undertaking and allows for the assessment of the project progress upon compleƟon of each phase. At these points, it is possible evaluate whether the scheduled acƟviƟes were completed within the set framework (costs, Ɵme, outcomes). If this is not the case, project managers can take acƟon to prevent that problems arising early in the project affect subsequent steps or even escalate along the line....

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••••••••••••••••••••••• AŌer having idenƟfied the most suitable concept for your specific task, our project team plans, tests and eventually implements the soluƟon. This involves the development of bespoke special components and soluƟons as well as the detailed specificaƟon and selecƟon of standard components and products from third-party suppliers. Depending on the nature of the project, the system undergoes an acceptance procedure at our factory prior to delivery. Our technicians then install, commission and, if necessary, validate the plant on site. The delivery of the system does however...

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SerialisaƟon soŌware, modules and interfaces SerialisaƟon hardware for automated producƟon processes AggregaƟon modules (fully-/semi-automated) Pre-serialised (T-seal) labels for contract manufacturers, SMEs and customers whose products are subject to mandatory serialisaƟon or China code standards Printed and blank self-adhesive labels and type plates Thermal transfer prinƟng foi

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Solution Partner b+b trace - b+b Automations- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH AutomaƟon and label design soŌware IntegraƟon of various print systems, tailor-made modules and comprehensive funcƟonaliƟes Database integraƟon Industry-specific add-ons (e.g. for chemicals, foodstuff) DiagnosƟc tools for building automaƟon KNX bus couplers KNX automaƟon modules (KNX-SPS) KNX special gateways for media technology, M-Bus, Modbus, GSM, enocean and OPUS Semi-automaƟc labelling machines Fully automated labelling machines Label prinƟng and dispensing systems Special engineering Thermal transfer prinƟng...

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Beerfelden Site I · Dieselstraße 18 · Airlenbach Site II · Eichenstraße 38a · 64760 Oberzent (Germany) phone: +49 (0) 6068 9310-0 · fax: +49 (0) 6068 9310-8990 info@bb-automaƟ ·Ɵ errors and omissions excepted

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All B+b Automations- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH catalogs and technical brochures

  1. EIBAnalyzer

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