Catalog excerpts
i Volume range can be adjustable on running • Independent filng and sucking speeds ■ Special designs for filling head, checkvate and nozzle according to product specs ■ Short set-up times on size changing without tool • Conveyor and all parts which contact product is AISI304 SS ■ Chasis is painted with epoxy and covered with AISI304 SS i Convenient to GMP ■ Control with 24 V DC electropneumabc controlled PIC «Strong spare parts inventory. &eterde dolum icin cift hull dolum sistemi Fartdi sise bo^azlannda performansli calisma icin farkh boy nozul lata*. Kopuren urunler icjn sise dibiden dotuma baslayan. dipten dolum asansorlu nozul kirj Orel, agresif urunlerde silindir arkaa yikama sistemi Temizlik icm fasa surede ve tatansz demontaj/montaj icin ciamp baglanb sistemi ABI304 SS Profil ve seffaf plexiden imal edilmi} intertog kiWi koruma kabini Manuel kapak besleme secimi lie konveyor sonuna eklenen kapak kapama unitesi. • Level controled tank tor vtscosity products ■ Tank washmg system with putvensation heads1 Double speed Wing nozzle for conical shape bottles ■ Different nozzle sets ■ Bottom Ming nozzle lift for foamy products ■ Easy fit clamp system for cleaning ■ AISI 304 SS intertog guarding * Additional capping unit on same conveyor with manuel cap feeding. Maskara. Meyve Salca, Sirke. Solvent, Su, Sampuan, Salgam Suyu, Tahin, Tinef, Tras Sabunu, Tutkal, Vazelin, Vemik. White Sprit. Zirai iaclar. Boza. Zeytinyagi vb. likit urunler. Antifreeze. Gel Detergent. Aseton, Shoepaint. Ayran. Honey, liquid Detergent, Glycerine, Hair Gel. Ketchup. Glue, Cream Lotion, Mineral Oil. Marmalade, Mayonnaise. Vinegar, Fruit Concentrate, Solvent. Water, Jam, Tomato Juice, Tomato Paste. Sesame Oil, Shampoo, Varmsh, Vaseline, Praine. Shaving Cream, White Spirit Olive Oil, Insecticide and
Open the catalog to page 1Dolum Basjiklan ve Sise Bogaz Merkezleme Bode Centering Dolum Silindiflefi Volume Adjustmen Cakpa Kapak Kapama Unites! Vidali Kapak Kapama Unitesi Screwing Head Teknik Ozellikler LD 1006 PAL FUL OTOMATIK SM DOLUM MAKINASI LD1006 PAL likrt urunfen, hfdt-yan likit urunleri vdumetr* sistemle ±9:0.5 hassasiyetJe doMurmak ign dizayn edilmis. lineer akisli tan otomatik dolum makinasidu. Doiduracagi uriinu direk stok lankinflan veya kendi besleme bunkerinden cekerek, ayarlanan hizda urun kabma doidurur. Bos siseler nozuller atfina kortveybr He beslenir. Doian siseler kapak kapama operasyonu icin...
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