GB0208 Process Equipment


Catalog excerpts

GB0208 Process Equipment - 2

Kotistmcilotin leknik verileii imal ediletek uretimde kullamlocok hommoddelerin ve nihoi Oriinun Szelliklerine, ptoses sofltonno g&re degismekledti. Siparise ozel imol edilen makinelerimiz hckkmda net veriler kin immune Grun ve utetim bilgileti He beiobei The specifications of the mixers vary on the characteristics of the raw materials and the final product; process and production factors. Please send AYMAKSANA.$. your formula datas and sample of final product for detailed machine specifications.

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GB0208 Process Equipment - 3

IMALAT PROGRAMIMIZ • Temizleme Mokineleri (Kum / Islok Sistem) • likid Dotum Mokineleri (Volumetrik / Giovimelrik / Seviyeli Sistem) ♦ Kopok Kopomo Makineleti • Erikerleme Mokineleri • Sfrech Film Sotmo Mokineteri • HomojenizotiSiler / Bfenderler / Inline Pompota Aymoksan Aylo Mokine Sonoyi A.$. 30 yilt 05km tecrubesiyte omboloj mokinelerinde oldujju gibi proses mokinelerinde de bitbitine benzei yopido, foikli sektotlerde kullonilan Gretim mokinelefini (Homojenizatdf/Blender Sistemleri/lnline Pompo) imol etmektedir. Tuikiye coptnda buyOyen ununu, yuksek kalitedeki nwtiendi* ve isptijne,...

Open the catalog to page 3
GB0208 Process Equipment - 4

Pilot imolol Mikseri / Pilot Production Mixer • Bosli Tip*: Disli Dissatof • Heod Type: Toothed Dissolve Pilot imolot Mikseri / Pilot Production Mixer ' Heod Type: Toothed ffesofver Imalot Mikseri / Production Mixer

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GB0208 Process Equipment - 5

Imolot Mikseri/ Production Mixer 1 Head Type: Toothed DrssoSvef Imolol Mikseri / Production Mixer MAKiNAlARIM IZIN KUlLANILDlGl S ® Gido / Food ond Beveroges ® Temizlik Urunleri / Cleaning Products ® Yopi Bmyosflllon / Construction Chemicob ® lekstil IGrnyosohn/Textile Chernkab • Heod Type: ES ISO + Andwi

Open the catalog to page 5
GB0208 Process Equipment - 6

Ruj Erilme Kazani / lipstick Melting Tank • Head Type: Agitata tmolcl Tanki / Production Tank Voril Mikseri / Drum Mixer Type: Propeller

Open the catalog to page 6
GB0208 Process Equipment - 7

UNIVERSAL KARI$TIRI(ILAR / UNIVERSAL MIXERS bkm toposiln (Itlg) / Used (opodty (h-kf) bnjlra Dnri (di)/ttur Spent (rpa) Soft IqiM/Shaft logiM MAKiNALARtMIZIN KUllANIlDlGl SEKTORLER ® Xo^l / Paoef and Pulp © Temizlik Orunleri / Cleaning Products © Yap Kanyosollan / Construction Chemkols © Tekstil KimyasoBon/Textile Chemicals koristinci boslik fipi ve motor gucu imol edilecek urun miktonna, uretimde kullanilocok hammaddelerin ve elde edilecek nihai Drunun ozellikterine, uretim sistemine gcire decjismektedi. Kanjtiiicibf standort olorak IP 44 korumo smrfli imol edbnebedf. Mokinelerimiz Exproof...

Open the catalog to page 7
GB0208 Process Equipment - 8

Plotform lipi Eoyo imolol Testa / Platform Type Production Mixer 1 Head Type: Toothed Efasefa (ok Koristintili tmolot Tanki / Mullimixer Production Tonk • Boslik Dpi: Rotor Stetor ♦ 0$ Mei ♦ Copo * Head Type: Rotor Stolen * Toothed DSsofver • Anchor

Open the catalog to page 8
GB0208 Process Equipment - 9

Heod Type: Roloc Sfolor Inline Pompa/Inline Pump • Bojikript: Rotor Slaloi Head Type: Rola Stohx • Bcslik Tipi: 0#i Disk ■ Heod Type: Toothed Disc ) fimyo / Chemkob © Temizlik BrOnleri / Cleoning Products © Yopi Kmyasollon / Construction Chemkob | ® Tekstil Kirnyasofen / Textile Chemkob Blender sistemleri; inline pompolar; Rotor-Stotor Generator Gruplon ve Kolloidmiller uretilecek GrGnun ozelliklerine gore forkli boslik yopilan ve motor guclerinde imol edilmektedir. The mixers; blender systems; rotor stator generators; in-line pumps; coSoti mis which are manufactured on special order...

Open the catalog to page 9
GB0208 Process Equipment - 10

Toz Konshna / Powder Mixer • Bo$i;Tipi:KiHAyogi • Had Type: Plough Shope

Open the catalog to page 10
GB0208 Process Equipment - 11

Koreho Dent M / Vner Speed (rpn) Bush Boakc Allen (7) Temizlik OfOnleri / Cleaning Products (T) Yopi Kmyasollon / Construction Chemkab I (T) lekstil Kimyasallan / Textile (hemkols WEczacibay KORAMIC weber & broutin ve digef opsryonel uygubmotar uretilecek Orurtiin miktonno; uretimde kultomlrxok hommotMeterin ve nihoi iirunun bzelliklerirw gore degtsmektedir. The machine dimensions, motor power and optional applications are selected according to the volume of the product; final product in powder mixers.

Open the catalog to page 11
GB0208 Process Equipment - 12

••MilUN »'L» HtllKA UHAll »1. UUU tUINIUIt MIMCi UTlTJCit

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