Catalog excerpts
Mquina CNC, lijado, satinado y pulido fondos de tanques. CISIC machine, linishing, glossing and brushing tank ends. Machine CNC, ponage, satinage et polissage fonds de citernes, C NC-Maschine zum Schleifen, Gl᧤tten und Polieren von Tankboden. Mquina lijado, satinado y pulido «virolas» tanques. Machine for linishing, glossing and brushing tank «bodtes». Machine ponage, satinage et polissage «viroles» citernes. Maschine zum Schleifen, Gl᧤tten und Polieren von Tankzwingen.
Open the catalog to page 1tcnicas specifications techniques Spezifikationen IvHuU гЫЧО ^D*1 Мея гезпгшии fr- №Hulic ± 'dd-^i.' iruafcbcdr^^ ; ■№ rubf VM Ih* г jiii qH niuLJJkMllim : Нал ЫЩ lUfrrin Ih- i>u! аш n- « d I TnLOf -;■ 11 ■ f Wh tvidllm^ j ni Ah 魱«W ли Алв*1чгЧ*л\ Wb/iJhUwnifl M0D, MR/UT-CNC "BRIDGE». LIJAD0/PJLȌDO «FONDOS- TANQUES Descripcin General La diversidad de lornts? y dimensiones, pequeras serles y la di1 cuitad de Miar y pulir piezas grandes y pesadas, requer㡭a™ una solucin llexirjtey AUTOPLtLET ha desarrollado este moderno equipo can CABEZAL SOSR[- PUENTE UT-CNC quo permise acabar piezas de...
Open the catalog to page 2Mquiria Mod. MR/UT-CNC3 para dimetro has Machine Mod. MR/UT-CNC3 for dia. up to 6䠛0C Machine Mod. MR/U-CNC3 pour dia. max. 6M Maschine Mod. MR/UT-CNC3 fμr einen Durchmesse SHIMG TANK ENDS he diff icLtlly in li [listi lug and polishing ^UTOPUUT have developed this mo-which alSows components of large (titillatalo specially designed lo tiaid them ws the uool to follow the predile of the e guarantee of HKSH QUALITY AND mostly hand finishing fponahte machi-[3 precisa setting even for small runs. triable farjrwivo bed, tritali, sic.) and arocessed by We CONTROLLER and Of subsequent similar parts...
Open the catalog to page 3ien uns AbraflssurKfn, Kleine Serien und die Schwierigkeiten beim SctHei-gro|Jenr schweren Teilen erforderten Sine flexible Lsung. AUTOPULIT Jage iinit KOPF AN UT-CNC-BR䶜CKE fi- die En켶aa*ell iirtg vflrt gm Per Teile befinden s'ch auf einem Drehtisch, dar speziell lr Ihr« Befestigung tung auf der Innen- und Auenseite entwerten vj\tfC6. nkopl (3 SNTERPOLrEFTTE ACHSEN} macht es rn쟶glich. dap das Werkzeug inltdeckel oder -boden) innen oder aujlan naclwolSzierit, wobei HCHSTE CHF֜PMlGEi BEARBEITUNG gewhrleistet sind. (=rne leisJungslhine Al-kosiapietiCjei Handbeeroeitung (tragbare MaScnmgn),...
Open the catalog to page 4Cabezal UT «TORPEDO» de 3000 mm, y detaie lijado interior, Head UT «TORPEDO» 3000 mm, and dtail of interior linishing. T頻te UT «TORPEDO» de 3000 mm. et dtail ponage int駩rieur. 3000 mm.-UT «TORPEDO»-Kopt und Dtails Innensohliff. №00. PD, LIJADO/BRILLADO -VIROLAS- TANQUES Descripci颳n Gerttral Equipo poyettdo especficamente para el acabado de la parte iai-or.T| de los ra n ques (interior y* ex tenor): l>i tabeai so mueve longitudinalmente sobre ral les y dispone da Jfulacirjn en SHura (uplumrscgn guias-patn--) y transversal La harramiertlH (lensor bandas abrasivas o cepillo) as soportada al...
Open the catalog to page 5AUTO PL'LIT MAQUJMAKIA PARA EL PUL1DO AUTOMATICO, S.A. P.I. Sant Isidrc - C/PuigmsJ. $/« - 0&272 5nm Fruits dc Bages P.O. Box 360 - 0i24h Man/csa (Burcelftua) Bsptifl a/Spain TEL: (+34) FAX: <+34) 93 S7J1261 E-mai!" aiaopuii(@autopu!ii-coiii Web: lilip//ww\vaui(V]>ulit,«mi
Open the catalog to page 6All AUTOPULIT catalogs and technical brochures
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hydraulic cylinders
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polishing robot
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Archived catalogs
General catalogue
9 Pages
Surface grinding machine
9 Pages