Group: Audion Elektro BV
Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Options Servo control ՕPrint registered film capabilityGas flush for modified atmospherepackaging (MAP)ՕEuro slot or various other holepunch systemsStainless steel covering ՕSupport stand for tabletop modelsDate coder Main features of the AHM ՕUser friendly control panelFriction feed wheels with quickrelease systemՕEasy bag length adjustmentAdjustable seal pressure ՕEnd of film detection Adjustable bag formerՕProduct feeding conveyor withpushersProduct contact areas made ofstainless steel and food approvedmaterialsՕSafety coversDigital temperature controllersՕBi-active sealing CE compliant...
Open the catalog to page 2Options Gas flush for modified atmospherepackaging (MAP)ՕPrint registration capability Euro slot or various other holepunch systemsՕStainless steel frame Date coderՕMachine stand with casters Main features AHM 350T > User friendly control panel ՕFriction feed wheels with quickrelease systemEasy bag length adjustment ՕAdjustable seal pressure End of film detectionՕAdjustable bag former Product feeding conveyor withfood grade pushersՕStainless steel product contactareasSafety coversՕDigital temperature controllersBi-active sealing ՕCE compliant > The versatile AHM 350T is Audionssmallest...
Open the catalog to page 3Options Gas flush for modified atmospherepackaging (MAP)ՕEuro slot or various other holepunch systemsStainless steel frame ՕDate coder Automatic feeding systems ՕInfeed and product takeawayconveyors Main features of the AHM350/450/600 Compact construction Օ2 meter product feed conveyorwith food grade pushersUser friendly control panel ՕFriction feed wheels with quickrelease systemPrint registered film capability ՕEasy bag length adjustment Adjustable seal pressureՕEnd of film detection Adjustable bag former ՕStainless steel product contactareasOutfeed conveyor ՕSafety coversDigital...
Open the catalog to page 4All Audion Packaging Machines catalogs and technical brochures
Band sealer D 545 AH
1 Pages
13 Pages
Tube sealer
2 Pages
Industrial Sealer Magneta
1 Pages
Sealboy Magneta
1 Pages
Impulse sealers
1 Pages
Audion Tabletop Sealers
9 Pages
specs MG521 and MG721
1 Pages
2 Pages
Audion Catalogue
72 Pages
Vacuum Chambers
16 Pages
Tabletop Sealers
9 Pages
heat sealer Futura Junior
1 Pages
manual bag sealer
3 Pages