Increased Holemkaing Productivity


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Increased Holemkaing Productivity - 2 manufacturingengineering ? March 2003 >

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Increased Holemkaing Productivity - 3

Holemaking cy, adds Chet Parzick, Kennametal product manager, inorder to avoid damaging the part when drilling work-pieces that can cost between $35,000$200,000. ֓In this industry, youre talking about jet engines spinning at high speed, and itҒs been pretty well accepted that componentfailure starts at a hole, notes Parzick. ԓA hole is consid-ered abusive machining in this industry, so the drill has tobe able to cut the material away very freely. Consistency in tool life means drill suppliers get a high-ly predictable number of holes for any particular applica-tion. ԓIf youre trying to get...

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Increased Holemkaing Productivity - 4

Holemaking PCD going all the way across, you have full production.You dont experience the usual wear, and you can run thedrill longer.ҔKennametal also plans to introduce at WESTEC anenhancement to its KSEM modular drills, which will add achamfering collar or ring to the replaceable carbide-tippeddrills. The chamfer collar will slide over the drill's steelbody, enabling users to save cycle time. Coolant-through drills helpreduce the tremendous heat gener-ated in drilling operations. Lastyear at IMTS, Iscar Metals Inc.(Arlington, TX) introduced a new ChamDrill Jet coolant-throughdrill that...

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Increased Holemkaing Productivity - 5

Holemaking insert which, to the best of my knowl-edge, is the first time anybodys donethat on a drilling insert.ғDue to the fact that the coolantscoming right into the end of the car-bide itself, all indications are that itҒsgiving us much better tool life, headds. ԓIts getting coolant right down to the cutting edge, and weҒre also seeing much better sidewall finishes because were able to flush chips outmuch more effectively. It also appearsto be produce something like a refrig- erating effect as the coolant goes through the carbide, so it keeps the carbide cooler when drilling materials...

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Increased Holemkaing Productivity - 6

After drilling, many other common holemaking opera-tions require boring and tapping of threaded holes, partic- ularly in aerospace and automotive. KPT Kaiser Precision Tooling Inc. (Elk Grove Village, IL) recently updated its line of boring systems with the new 112.118 Full Bore boring head toolkit for high-precision boring. Aimed at companies ranging from small shops through larger manu-facturers, the boring-head toolkits include two boringheads, two KAB shanks, insert holders, reduction bush- ings, and accessories. They offer shops precision and rigid-ity without the need to buy a large...

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Increased Holemkaing Productivity - 7

Holemaking line of smart toolingӔ mechatronicsystems, automakers can createholes that require recessing, groov- ing, or facing operations similar toturning-type operations done on amachining center, notes Bob Bied, Komet of Americas OEM product manager. KometҒs M042 boring sys- tem and P70 drive unit can helpautomakers with connecting rodboring applications.WeӒre at the point right nowwhere weve had some good break-throughs with this,Ҕ Bied says ofKomets projects on boring operationsfor flexible production with Ford Motor Co.Ғs (Dearborn, MI) Premier Automotive Group (PAG) engine pro- gram,...

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Increased Holemkaing Productivity - 8

Holemaking Coolant-through inserts on Iscars ChamDrill Jetdrills cool workpiece while enabling efficient chip evacuation. > WANT MORE INFORMATION? For more information on the holemaking equip-ment mentioned in this article, circle the numberson the reader service card. CompanyCircle Bilz Tool Co. Inc. 360 Carboloy Inc. 361 Emuge Corp. 362 Kennametal Inc. 363 Iscar Metals Inc. 364 Komet of America Inc. 365 KPT Kaiser Precision Tooling Inc. 366 Sandvik Coromant 367 > March 2003? manufacturingengineering

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