Catalog excerpts

Atlas Copco Condensate management OSC & OSD Oil/water separator series 2935 0825 45_OSC_OSD brochure.indd 1 22-02-2010 14:39:07
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Total capability, total responsibility Right at the heart of your business. Atlas Copeo delivers quality compressed air for superior op- erational capacity. From compressed air gen- eration to point of use, you can choose from our wide range of products to create a complete compressed air system tailored to your specific needs. All Atlas Copeo products are engineered to integrate seamlessly, ensuring the highest lev- el of reliability and energy efficiency. As a result, Atlas Copeo can take full responsibility for your compressed air infrastructure with a guarantee of best-in-class quality....
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Condensate treatment: respect the environment, save costs As efficient as the process may be, a compressor inevitably pro- duces more than compressed air alone. One of its by-products is a large volume of condensate, generally an emulsified combination of oil and water that poses a serious environmental risk. Only by treating this condensate in the right way, can we make sure it brings no harm to the environment. If treated in the right way, condensate is nothing to worry about. The Atlas Copeo range of condensate separators efficiently sepa- rate the oil from the water. The harmless water...
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OSD - a unique, high efficiency integrated package The OSD is a complete condensate management system ntgrated into the GA compressor. The unique device removes the oil from the discharged condensate, and with it the worries of polluting the environment and contravening strict environmenta The oil and water are separated through a process of de-emulsifi- cation and gravitational separation. Condensate containing fine oil droplets enter the coalescing filter which retains much of the oil The semi-processed mixture then enters the water tank, where, due to the specific mass difference, the...
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The new and extensive OSC range from Atlas Copeo uses patented technology to separate all kinds of compressed air condensate. The multi-stage separation process, using both buoyant oleophilic filters and activated carbon, ensures excep- tional performance, long and known filter lifetime and trouble free operation (i> No oil collection bottle required, so no chance to ruin previously separated condensate if system Multiple oil condensate can be easily separated & Polyglycol condensate can be separated, although some unit deration is necessary in orderto main- tain filter lifetime S> Most...
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OSC - benefits from the best technology from total simplicity O Condensate enters through the mufflers and depressurizes & The emulsified oil water mixture then enters tower A and seeps through the white oleophilic filter. The filter absorbs @ The oleophilic filter floats on the water and absorbs any remaining oil from the surface. - The additional weight of the oil causes the filter to gradually sink as it gets more saturated, which ensures that clean filter material is always in contact with the - The indicator stick at the top of tower A shows the status of the filter; as the filter is...
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Technical data Installation with: compressors - air receivers - dryers and filters Capacity is based on the compressor running at 7 barg / 100 psig for 12 hours per day, with all condensate from the compressor, the air receiver, the filters and fridge dryer being piped into the unit. Installation with: compressors - air receivers - filters only Capacity is based on the compressor running at 7 barg / 100 psig for 12 hours per day, with all condensate from the compressor, the air receiver and filters being piped into the unit. 1) All capacities are based on an outlet oil content of 15 mg/l 2)...
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In order to be First in Mind—First in Choice ® for all your compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products and services that help increase your business’ efficiency and profitability. Atlas Copco’s pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by your need for reliability and efficiency. Always working with you, we are committed to providing you the customized quality air solution that is the driving force behind 2935 0825 45 – Printed in Belgium – Subject to alteration without prior notice. your business. Never use compressed air as breathing air without prior purification in...
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