Catalog excerpts

Atlas Copeo Oil-injected Rotary Screw Compressors
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Total capability, total responsibility Right at the heart of your business. Atlas Copeo delivers quality compressed air for superior operational capacity. From compressed air generation to point of use, you can choose from our wide range of products to create a complete compressed air system tailored to your specific needs. All Atlas Copeo products are engineered to integrate seamlessly, ensuring the highest level of reliability and energy efficiency. As a result. Atlas Copeo can take full responsibility for your compressed air infrastructure with a guarantee of best-in-class quality. With...
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A smart solution that fits Atlas Copco's GA compressors bring you outstanding performance, flexible operation and the highest productivity, while minimizing the total cost of ownership. With a choice of three premium will certainly find the compressed air solution that perfectly matches your requirements. Built to perform even in the harshest environments, our products keep your production running smoothly. COMPACT ECONOMICAL COMPRESSORS By far the most reliable tank-mounted workshop solution that supplies high-quality compressed air with easy plug- and-play concept. • Premium GA quality...
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GA 15-22: compact economical compressors Set to tackle your daily challenges, Atlas Copco's high-performance tank-mounted GA compressors beat any workshop solution. Ready to supply high-quality air, they keep your air network clean and your production up and running. • The GA 15-22 range is outfitted with the most used screw element in its size. • Unequaled reliability during the system's lifetime thanks to the gear-driven drive train, developed in accordance with the highest industry standards. • Maximized reliability thanks to the robust design and the usage of advanced development...
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REDUCED ENERGY COSTS • The GA 15-22's compression element is combined with a class 1 efficiency motor. • A 2-3% higher efficiency with the direct-driven drive train compared • Extremely low losses of compressed air during load/unload cycle thanks to minimized oil vessel size. • Additional energy savings with the dryer's no-loss electronic drain. EFFORTLESS MAINTENANCE • The Elektronikone's monitoring features include new service and warning indications, error detection and compressor shut-down.The optional Elektronikon® graphic controller provides further enhanced remote monitoring features...
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Re-engineered to break records,the industrial GA 11+-30 compressors have the best air delivery capacity in the industry. These all-in-one solutions provide high-quality air at the lowest possible operating costs and offer extended monitoring possibilities. As they produce little noise, they can be placed close to the point of use, minimizing installation costs and maximizing energy efficiency. • More durable keyboard on the Elektronikon® graphic controller. • Completely protected against dirt, the gearbox's maintenance-free transmission maximizes reliability in any environment.To avoid...
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REDUCED ENERGY COSTS • The Free Air Delivery is increased by 6-17% and power consumption is reduced by 3-12% thanks to packaging and new compressor element. • Minimize the energy required to reach a certain air quality thanks to the new, integrated dryer range with counterflow heat exchanger and integrated water separator, and the optional Dryer Saver Cycle. • Recuperate up to 80% of your energy for other industrial applications with the optional energy recovery system. • Centralized control over up to 6 compressors via Elektronikon8: results in the reduction of system pressure and energy...
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GA 15-30VSD: ultimate energy savers The GA 15-30 VSD are the ideal solutions for a production with a fluctuating air demand. By monitoring the outlet pressure, the Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology continuously adjusts the air flow to the demand. Energy savings above 35% become a reality thanks to the high turndown ratio, the eliminated vessel blow-off and the new fan Saver Cycle. • More durable keyboard on the Elektronikon® graphic controller. • Completely protected against dirt, the gearbox's maintenance-free transmission maximizes reliability in any environment. • To minimize...
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EFFORTLESS MAINTENANCE • The high-tech Elektronikon® graphic controller's monitoring features include: warning indications, compressor shut-down, maintenance scheduling and a visualisation of your machines' conditions. • The complete drive train is greased for life, which eliminates • As it is a modular system, the VSD drive makes diagnostics and repairs fast and easy. • The use of high-quality consumables that have a long lifetime (up to 8,000 hours) and can be easily serviced. EASY INSTALLATION • Can be placed close to the point of use - minimizing your installation costs and reducing the...
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A step ahead in monitoring and controls The next-generation Elektronikon® operating system offers a great variety of control and monitoring features that allow you to increase your compressor's efficiency and reliability. To maximize energy efficiency, the Elektronikon® controls the main drive motor and regulates system pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band. ELEKTRONIKON® CONTROLLER • Improved ease of use: intuitive navigation system with clear pictograms and extra 4th LED indicator for service. • Visualization through web browser using a simple Ethernet connection. • Easily...
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OPTIONAL INTEGRATED COMPRESSOR CONTROLLER Install, with a simple license, the optional integrated compressor controller and get simple, central control to reduce system pressure and energy consumption in installations of up to DUAL PRESSURE SET POINT & DELAYED SECOND STOP Most production processes create fluctuating levels of demand which, in turn, can create energy waste in low use periods. Using either the standard or graphic Elektronikon® controller, you can manually or automatically create two different system pressure bands to optimize energy use and reduce costs at low use times. In...
Open the catalog to page 11All ATLAS Copco Compressors USA catalogs and technical brochures
7 Pages
5 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
H series
2 Pages
ZM31 -246
3 Pages
T3W Water Well Drill
1 Pages
Condensate Management
2 Pages
Atlas Copco Portable Air
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Membrane Nitrogen Generators
2 Pages
mVAC-250 ? mVAC-9200
12 Pages
P 37 - P 275
12 Pages
Brochure G 110-250
8 Pages
Brochure ZH+
16 Pages
Brochure ZH 350+
12 Pages
Brochure ZS+ VSD
20 Pages
Brochure ZS
20 Pages
Brochure ZB 5-120 VSD
12 Pages
Brochure ZB 100-160 VSD
12 Pages
Marine Air Booklet
68 Pages
Brochure FX 1-21
5 Pages
Brochure FD
9 Pages
Brochure OSC/OSD
8 Pages
Brochure CD 1-22+
2 Pages
Driving Expander Technology
29 Pages
MED Breathing and Surgical Air
12 Pages
Silicone free Filters
2 Pages
Compressed Air Filters
12 Pages
FD 5-4000
6 Pages
ZB 100-160 VSD 100-160 kW
12 Pages
ZR/ZT 55-90 FF & ZR/ZT 90 VSD-FF
22 Pages
AQ 30-55/ AQ 37-55 VSD
18 Pages
Oil-free Scroll Compressors
12 Pages
LFx 0.7-2.0
12 Pages
GA 30+-90/GA 37-90 VSD®
16 Pages
Atlas Copco Railway compressors
12 Pages
GN 4-18 kW/5.5-25 hp
6 Pages
GX 2-11
6 Pages
XA(M,H)S 500-750
2 Pages
XAS 137 XAHS 107
2 Pages
6 Pages
BD 100-3000
8 Pages