Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series
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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 1

Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series AUTOMATIC, COMPACT AND RELIABLE

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 2

When the air that surrounds us is compressed, its vapour and particle concentration increases dramatically. The compression process causes the oil and water vapours to condense into droplets, and then mix with the high concentration of particles. The result is an abrasive oily sludge that in many cases is also acidic. Without air treatment equipment, much of this corrosive sludge will enter the air net. Effective Quality Air equipment is an investment with a solid return: it efficiently reduces the contamination in the air that would otherwise produce corrosion in the pipework, lead to...

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 3

Oily water condensate – a poisonous mixture The air compression process has a number of by-products, one of which is a large volume of condensate. Generally, this condensate is an emulsified combination of oil and water which, if left untreated, is extremely harmful to the environment. Because of the potential damage this condensate can cause, strict regulations have been introduced that prohibit the disposal of such waste without rigorous treatment. A clean solution for a dirty problem The Atlas Copco range of condensate separators is designed to separate the oil from the water, allowing...

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 4

The OSD is a complete condensate management system integrated into the GA compressor. The unique device removes the oil from the discharged condensate, and with it the worries of polluting the environment and contravening strict environmental regulations. The oil and water are separated through a process of de-emulsification and gravitational separation. Condensate containing fine oil droplets enter the coalescing filter which retains much of the oil. The semi-processed mixture then enters the water tank, where, due to the specific mass difference, the remaining oil separates from the...

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 5

8 6 9 5 7 1 2 4 3 OSC – benefits from the best technology 1 No standing or stagnant water eliminates all potential health risks and requires less regular cleaning. 2 The unit does not rely on gravitational separation and is therefore insensitive to vibrations, shocks and splashes. As such, performance is both better and more stable and there is no requirement to use electronic “no loss drains” up stream of the machine. 3 The discharge condensate contains so little residual oil, that it can be drained away without damaging the environment or contravening strict pollution regulations. 4 The...

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 6

Make life easy with the genuine OSC service kits For assured performance and maximum maintenance intervals the specially designed OSC service kits should be used. Each kit is designed to make life as easy and simple as possible, providing all the equipment needed for a fast, clean and trouble free element changeover. In addition to the buoyant oleophilic and activated carbon bags needed for one year normal operation, the kit includes a whole series of other components to ensure an easy filter exchange: a set of buckets with a water tight sealing lid to put the old bags into, directly after...

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 7

A A B B 6 OSC – advanced technology for all compressed air condensates The new and extensive OSC range from Atlas Copco uses patented technology to separate all kinds of compressed air condensate. The multi-stage separation process, using both buoyant oleophilic filters and activated carbon, ensures exceptional performance, long and known filter lifetime and trouble free operation. Complete reliability from total simplicity 1 Condensate enters through the mufflers and depressurizes in the expansion chamber. 2 The emulsified oil water mixture then enters tower A and seeps through the white...

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 8

Running hours Multiply the OSC FAD capacity by the appropriate correction factor to adjust for different running hours: Hours run per day 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Correction factor 1.5 1.2 1 0.86 0.75 0.67 0.6 0.55 0.5 Model Cold climate Mild climate Hot climate System FAD System FAD System FAD l/s cfm l/s cfm l/s cfm OSC 35 105 223 45 95 20 42 OSC 95 280 594 118 250 50 105 OSC 145 415 880 175 371 75 160 OSC 355 1035 2194 435 922 190 403 OSC 600 1800 3816 760 1611 330 700 OSC 825 2410 5110 1020 2162 440 933 OSC 1200 3450 7315 1455 3085 630 1336 OSC 2400 6895 14620 2910 6170 1260 2671...

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Atlas CopcoCondensate management OSC & OSD oil/water separator series - 10

2935 0825 43 - Printed in Belgium - Subject to alterations without prior notice What sets Atlas Copco apart as a company is our conviction that we can only excel in what we do if we provide the best possible know-how and technology to really help our customers produce, grow and succeed. There is a unique way of achieving that - we simply call it the Atlas Copco way. It builds on interaction, on long-term relationships and involvement in the customers’ process, needs and objectives. It means having the flexibility to adapt to the diverse demands of the people we cater for....

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All ATLAS Copco Compressors USA catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. T-Series

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  3. H series

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  4. ZM31 -246

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  5. P 37 - P 275

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  6. Brochure ZH+

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  7. Brochure ZS

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  8. Brochure FD

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  9. FD 5-4000

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  10. LFx 0.7-2.0

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  11. GX 2-11

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  12. HardHat™

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  13. BD 100-3000

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