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Atim Radiocommunication© ● c o n n ecti ng e verythi ng
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ATIM is the expert and pioneer designer of IoT sensors & M2M modems for smart building, cities, industries, agriculture, utilities and energy efficiency. Our experienced R&D teams focuses its work on making solutions dedicated to the client. Constantly feeding back from them for more than 25 years. Our mission is to provide our clients with a robust remote solution: ease of installation/configuration, great autonomy and technical features to maximize your ROI. Our role is to support you in finding an effective solution by offering you a global offer: from sensors to data visualization...
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Sensors ATIM Cloud Wireless® 25 + years of design and manufacturing R&D experts Industrial quality Configuration Downlink Mobile App USB Connectivity Technology Public network Private network Data acquisition IoT web platform Codecs Windows program
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A IR Q UALITY NDIR* SENSOR Carbon dioxyde (CO 2 ) Range: 0 to 40000ppm Precision : +/- 40ppm +5% from 400 to 5000ppm Volatile Organic Compounds Range: 0 to 500 VOC Resolution : 1 Air temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C Precision : +/- 0.2°C between -40°C and +80°C Air humidity : 0% RH to 100% RH Precision : +/- 2% RH between 0 and 100 % RH Multifunction visual signal: - network quality - air quality - mode of operation Features The THAQ facilitates the monitoring of your rooms and buildings thanks to its CO2, VOC (volatile organic compounds), temperature and relative humidity sensors....
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OPTIMISE AND MONITORE A IR Q UALITY Smart Building Smart City Smart Industry ● Children spend most of their time in class, the quality of the air they inhale is a major issue for their health, especially since some VOCs are classified as carcinogenic and high CO2 levels facilitate the spread of the Covid virus. ● Thanks to the LED indicating the air quality according to a precise colour code, teachers will be able to take immediate ventilation measures (LED deactivatable by configuration). ● It has been proven that optimal air quality has an effect on the concentration and well-being of...
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T EMPERATURE - HUMIDITY IoT sensor CFG-APP Range: -40°C to +125°C Precision : +/- 0.2°C between -40°C to +80°C Range : 0% RH to 100% RH Precision : +/- 2% RH between 0 and 100 % RH 1 temperature and humidity/hour Sigfox 5+ years* LoRaWAN 10+ years* Interchangeable batteries Setup via USB, downlink or mobile app Features The THX facilitates the monitoring of comfort and energy efficiency indicators in your rooms and buildings thanks to its temperature and humidity sensors. Multifunction visual signail: - Network quality - mode of operation Plug & Play Measurements are regularly transmitted...
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OPTIMIZE AND CONTROL ENERGY PERFORMANCE Smart Building Smart City Smart Industry ● Monitoring of the ambient temperature and humidity of a public building. ● Comply with the law on energy transition which recommends an ambient temperature of 19 ° C in tertiary buildings and 22 ° C in hospitals. ● Limit periods of overheating. ● Rapid ROI thanks to energy savings. ● ATIM works with the largest energy suppliers. ● Guarantee the comfort and satisfaction of your clients. ● Ensure optimum temperature in all rooms. ● Control the building's energy budget. ● ATIM sensors are installed in many...
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DEPORTED PROBE TEMPERATURE - HUMIDITY IoT sensor CFG-APP Range : -40°C to +125°C Precision : +/- 0.2°C between -25°C to +70°C Range : 0% RH to 100% RH Precision : +/- 2% RH between 0 to 100 % RH 1 temperature and 1 humidity measurements/hour Sigfox 2+ years* LoRaWAN 6+ years* Interchangeable batteries Setup via USB, downlink or mobile app Redundancy of data and datalogging modes Visual signal showing network quality and sensor correct connection ACW-TCR is equipped with an instantaneous temperature sensor with inertia and a precise humidity sensor allowing you to ensure that the storage...
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C OMPLY WITH SANITARY STANDARDS Smart Building Smart City Smart Industry ● Monitor the storage conditions of goods during their transportation and logistics. ● Ensure an insurance coverage in the event of damaged good when cold chain is maintained and proved so. ● Increase food safety. ● Guarantee compliance with the cold chain and hygiene rules. ● Control the temperature of your cold rooms, refrigerated banks, refrigerated trucks. ● Keep the data transmitted in the event of an inspection. ● Control and avoid any health risk. ● Greenhouses require close supervision of temperature & humidity...
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DEPORTED PROBE(S) TEMPERATURE IoT sensor CFG-APP Range : -50°C to +200°C for TMxP -196°C to +150°C for TMxP-CRYO Precision : +/- 0,15°C +0,2% for TMxP +/- 0,15°C +0,2% for TMxP-CRYO 1 or 2 temperature measurements/hour Sigfox 7+ years* LoRaWAN 14+ years* Interchangeable batteries Setup via USB, downlink or mobile app Redundancy of data and datalogging modes Visual signal showing network quality and sensor correct connection The TMxP can monitor one to two remote temperature sensors -196°C | +200°C. It is commonly deployed in buildings, energy installations and cold chain control. The...
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C OMPLY WITH SANITARY STANDARDS Smart Building Smart City Smart Industry ● Monitor the temperature at the inlet to the outlet of the domestic water network. ● Comply with legislation requiring regular monitoring of the water temperature, which must be between 55 ° C and 60 ° C in all public buildings. ● Limit the legionella risk. ● Guarantee compliance with the cold chain and hygiene rules. ● Control the temperature of your cold rooms, refrigerated banks, refrigerated trucks. ● Keep the data transmitted in the event of an inspection. ● Control and avoid any health risk. ● Monitor the water...
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S MART METERING IoT sensor CFG-APP 4 inputs to be setup in index metering or 30 Vmax dry contacts Up to 4 consumption measurements/hour Sigfox 2+ years* LoRaWAN 7+ years* Interchangeable batteries Setup via USB, downlink or mobile app Redundancy of data and datalogging modes Visual signal showing network quality and sensor correct connection The MR4 facilitates the remote reading of meters with pulse output and also the reporting of dry contact status. Each channel can be configured alternatively as a count or as a Boolean state of the corresponding input. The information collected is...
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