Catalog excerpts

ASTIM www.astim.web.tr for efficient separation of fine screenings from flow for municipal and industrial applications Through Flow Perforated Belt Screen Truflo is mainly used as fine screening equipment for large and small sized water and wastewater treatment plants. Truflo is mainly consisting of a rotating endless perforated belt, frame and discharge chute which is equipped with a cleaning brush and integrated flushing system. Formation of screenings roll is prevented by rake bars extending over the full width of the screen in combination with the screen's installation angle. Even cans and bottles are lifted by these rakes very easily. The screenings are kept by the perforated plates. As the endless perforated belt is rotating in the channel the screenings are slowly separated from the stream. At their upper turning point the perforated plates are continuously cleaned by a fast rotating brush which increases the cleaning energy and thus significantly improves the cleaning efficiency. Cleaning is supported by an integrated flushing system. Design Sizes Perforation: Channel Width: Discharge Height: Installation Angle: Benefits w Excellent separation efficiency of fibrous material coming with flow w Reliable cleaning with rotating brush and integrated flushing system Application Fields ▼ Wastewater treatment plants ▼ Industrial water treatment plants ASTIM Endustri Tesisleri Imalat Montaj Taahhut A.§ • www.astim.web.tr astim@astim.web.tr Head Office | Merkez :Huzur Mahallesi Umar Sk. No.2 Kat 3 Sariyer 34485 istanbul-TURKiYE I T:+90 212 282 80 85 F:+90 212 282 79 13 Factory |Fabrika:Dilovasi O.S.B. 4.Kisim Ceyhan Cd. No.10 41400 Gebze Kocaeli-TlIRKiYE I T:+90 262 724 85 50 F:+90 262 724 85 49
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Doğrusal Akışlı Bant Izgara evsel ve endüstriyel tesislerde atıkların verimli bir şekilde ayrılması için kullanılan ince ızgara ekipmanıdır Doğrusal Akışlı Perfore Plakalı Bant Izgara Truflo orta ve büyük kapasiteli, evsel ve endüstriyel su ve atık su tesislerinde kullanılmak üzere geliştirilmiştir. Evsel ve endüstriyel tesislerde atıkların verimli bir şekilde ayrılması için kullanılan ince ızgara ekipmanıdır. Özellikle ince ızgaralama söz konusu olduğunda Perfore Bant Izgaralar çubuk ızgaralara göre çok üstün bir ayrıştırma performansı sergilerler. Perfore Plakalı Bant Izgaralar yüksek...
Open the catalog to page 2All ASTIM Endustri Tesisleri Imalat Montaj Taahhut A.S. catalogs and technical brochures
12 Pages
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24 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Material Handling Systems
2 Pages
Water Flow Control Equipment
2 Pages
Sludge Treatment Technology
4 Pages
Aeration Technology
4 Pages
Sedimentation Technology
4 Pages
6 Pages