X-Guard™ For Sd2500 X-Paq™
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X-Guard™ For Sd2500 X-Paq™ - 1

EUARDmnssiMiiMiiu Recalibration and Preventative Maintenance Details Recalibration: Technicians will recalibrate the tool to the master, adjust CAL value stored inside the tool and provide a new certificate of calibration Preventative Maintenance: Technicians will disassemble, clean and relubricate the gearbox; then recalibrate the tool to the master, adjust CAL value stored inside the tool and provide new Certificate of Calibration. Quality Certified ISO 9001:2008 ASG, Division of Jergens, Inc. Jergens Way, 15700 S. Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110-3898 Toll Free: (888) 486-6163 | Fax: (216) 481-4519 Email: asginfo@asg-jergens.com | www.asg-jergens.com

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