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Catalog excerpts

m81 - 1

M81 Compact Programmable Controller for PID, logic and sequence Controllore programmabile compatto per regolazioni PID, logiche e sequenze The right flexibility La giusta flessibilità

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m81 - 2

Technical data specifiche tecniche 8 analogue temperature inputs (NTC, Pt1000) 12 Analogue Inputs 4 linear analogue inputs (0/4... 20mA, 0... 10V, 0... 5V ratiometric) 12 Digital Inputs Voltage free inputs Analogue Outputs Up to 4 (0/10V) outputs 2 relays SPDT 5A or 2A Vac/dc SSR or SSR drive 10 Digital Outputs 8 relays SPST NA 2 A Ethernet 10baseT (programming, configuring and Modbus TCP server) 4 Communications RS232/485 (Modbus RTU master/slave or serial ASCII) Ports RS485 (Modbus RTU master/slave or serial ASCII) USB port for data logging and configuration Type of control Advanced PID,...

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m81 - 3

EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL openPCS PROGRAMMING SUITE SUITE DI PROGRAMMAZIONE openPCS The OpenPCS environment is compliant with the IEC 61131-3 international standard and allows the user to create automation projects using one or more of the 6 languages available (Instruction List, Structured Text, Sequential Function Chart, Function Block Diagram, Ladder Diagram, Continuous Function Chart). L’ambiente OpenPCS, aderente allo standard internazionale IEC 61131-3, consente la realizzazione di progetti di automazione, utilizzando uno o più dei 6 linguaggi disponibili (Instruction List, Structured...

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m81 - 4

applications applicazioni Multicompressor power stations • Powerful and advanced logic control • Optimization and reduction of energy consumption • Simple to use due to the graphical operator interface Centrali multicompressore • Efficienti ed avanzate logiche di controllo • Ottimizzazione e riduzione dei consumi • Semplicità d’uso grazie all’interfaccia operatore grafica Food holding and ripening cabinets • Accurate temperature and humidity adjustments using appropriate profiles in time cycles • Integration with supervision programs for batch traceability and production quality control...

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m81 - 5

EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL internet cloud FIELD (sensors and actuators) M81 Smartphone Tablet Accessories Accessori • Touch screen Operator Panels with color graphics (high resolution) for displaying complete system data. They can be programmed and are typically configured to display test pages, trend pages showing the progress of temperature and operating parameters, alarm pages, the digital and analog output command page, the page for configuring the time and date, the limit parameters, the regulation parameters, counters, telephone numbers, etc.. The Operator Panels are available in...

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m81 - 6

La presente pubblicazione è di esclusiva proprietà della Ascon Tecnologic S.r.l. la quale pone il divieto assoluto di riproduzione se non espressamente autorizzata. La Ascon Tecnologic S.r.l. si riserva il diritto di apportare modifIche senza alcun preavviso. Stampato nel maggio 2015. ù canada usa mexico venezuela brazil ireland uk portugal spain france belgium holland luxembourg denmark germany switzerland austria finland norway sweden slovenia poland hungary czech rep. romania greece algeria tunisia morocco egypt jordan israel syria south africa CSI latvija kazakhstan turkey singapore...

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All ASCON TECNOLOGIC catalogs and technical brochures

  1. NP4

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  2. KR1E

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  3. ClimaPAC

    8 Pages

  4. at on cloud

    8 Pages

  5. TCPDE M

    2 Pages

  6. opmt

    2 Pages

  7. MP02

    2 Pages

  8. IO-CB series

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs


    3 Pages

  2. TRH52

    4 Pages

  3. TRH21

    4 Pages