Catalog excerpts

∆ T); Alarm: ∆ T; Stability: Relay outptut program- mable for UR, T, DP, Real Time Clock (RTC): Enclosure rating: Long-term drift <0.5 RH% per year; Two isolated analogue outputs: to trace events and correctlystore data; Serial communications: IP66. B.T. 11.03.H3.5/E The selectable for Relative Humidity (RH), Temperature (T), Dew Point (DP), Temperature and Dew Point Temperature difference ( RS485 Modbus RTU for digital retransmission and PC configuration; > The Humi-chipӔ module Humi-chipӔ environmentallimits: -30...+90C; that incorporates the sensor can be easily replaced without the need for re-calibration; H3 and H5 transmittersdetermine measurements by means of a highly accurate condensation resistant capacitive sensor integrated in a silicon microchip.This technology providesaccurate process measurements, reliability and excellent long-term stability.Accurate Dew Pointcalculation is obtained by the integrated humidity and temperature sensors. >
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∆ T). Options includealarms, event tracing and data logging. Busses, Interfaces and Gateways H3 and H5 transmitters have standardModbus Protocol RS485 Serial Communications.The serial port enables the operator toconnect supervisory software, via PC, to accurately monitor the measurements, alarm status and stored data.For fieldbus connection, Ascon offerstwo Gateway Manager modules:- Hardware and functions H3 and H5 transmitters can be either wall or duct mounted or remote sensor mounted. The painted aluminum housing with connectors or terminal connections is IP66 rated for industrial...
Open the catalog to page 2
Event storing and Data logging The H5 model stores event details andData Logging.Alarm event details including measuredvalues, date, time and duration are stored using the internal Real Time Clock (RTC).Measured Data Logging values arestored on an operator determined cycle.The FIFO memory writes data to anEEPROM that cannot be modified by the operator. > ŢȆ T and Humi-chip break.Each alarm can be configured asminimum or maximum, absolute, deviation or band threshold, istantaneous or delayed, inhibit at activation (Blocking) or acknowledge (Latching).Alarms can be addressed to a relay...
Open the catalog to page 3
Range0.0Ѕ100.0% RH Working limits of Humi-chipӔ module > Temperature limits-30... +90C (figure 1)Accuracy (figure 2)1.8% between 10... 90% RH, non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability includedTypical long-term drift< 0.5 RH% per year > ГNormal conditionsԓLimit conditions -30.0ԅ+70.0C (-22... 158аF) > Accuracy (figure 3)<0.5ڰC between 0 +50ŰC (32... 122F)RTD output - alternative(PT100 IEC 751)to mA or V outputTolerance: Class B (1/2 DIN) - 3 wire connection (figure 3) > The measured reading accuracy is guaranteedthrough the Г Normal working conditions.A long-time period, at ԓ Limit...
Open the catalog to page 4
Easy and fast replacement (no calibration needed) > +(~)-(~) with threaded filter protectionPorosity: 25 Եm Response time: 5 s (0...63%) Suitable for clean environments (no dust and moderate wind conditions) > 7 8 9 Alarm outputPower supply20... 30 Vdc (18... 27 Vac) > 20 NOC > 110 1112 B 48.5 b 13 48.5 with threaded connection Porosity: 5 صm Response time: 10 s (0...63%)Suitable for dusty environments; not moisture resistant > with threaded connection Porosity: 10 صm Response time: 120 s (0...63%)Suitable for aggressive chemical environments, not suitable with high grade humidity NOC > 1 =...
Open the catalog to page 5
Model:LineMounting - Dimensions Probe material FilterSerial port(option)LCD Display (option)Electrical connections2 > nd Analogue Output (option)1 > st Analogue Output (option) MountingProbe dimensionsWall13 x L52Ductؘ20 x L25020 x L500Remoteؘ20 x L100, cable 2m20 x L100, cable 5 m AB 2 > nd Analogue Output- TemperatureNot fitted4...20 mA0...10 V0... 1 VPT100 - Compliance with IEC751 F P0 C2 1 C5 2 R2 R5 3P [1] Probe material PVDF Plastic C0 Temperature Range (ذF on request)(if F = 0 or F = P)-30...+70C-20...+30аC0...50C0...100аC G 2 bis,Rue Paul Henri SpaakST.THIBAULT DES VIGNESF-77462...
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