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Gammadue series
1 / 8Pages

Catalog excerpts

Gammadue series - 1

gammadue® series Universal Controllers, Setpoint Programmers-Controllers and Indicators • All sizes, from 1/32 DIN to 1/4 DIN • Many additional features available: Timer, Start-up, Current transformer input • Open to the external world: Modbus, PROFIBUS DP and Modbus Master • PC configurable • Memory chip for data copying/archiving • Simple and safe to start up and use

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Gammadue series - 2

ASCON CONTROLLERS AND U gammadue® series gammadue® is the result of Ascon’s experience in designing and manufacturing compact, powerful and reliable controllers and indicators A universal instrument tailor-made... • All sizes, from 1/32 DIN to 1/4 DIN • Withdrawable from front • 2 front colours available The wide available range of formats, functions and services allows the instrument most suitable to the process needs to be chosen. gammadue® can be used with any type of sensor (thermocouples, thermoresistances, infra-red thermometres) and linear signal (mA, Volt, Hz), as well as with...

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Gammadue series - 3

NIVERSAL PANEL INDICATORS ...adaptable to the process... gammadue® ’s Fuzzy-Tuning is very sophisticated: it avails of two initial “one-shot” tuning methods and an automatic system which, on the basis of the process conditions, selects the optimal one. The Adaptive-Tuning function optimises the control of processes whose characteristics are continuously changing. ...and to the operator... A particular customisable, password protected viewing procedure (fast view) allows the operator to reach rapidly the functions and information considered most important, while the option of hiding...

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Gammadue series - 4

Icons Table: Auxiliary inputs ■ Single action PID or On-Off algorithm with overshoot control Isolated analogue output Auxiliary power supply for 2-wire Indicator with or without alarm thresholds, Indicator/Transmitter ■ Safety Limiter function (C1 only) Digital inputs Isolated contact Digital outputs Fuzzy tuning with automatic selection Auto tuning Natural Frequency Serial communications Modbus Slave supervision purposes SPDT relay Analogue Output Special functions Digital input connected functions setpoint activation MjJI Setpoint SiiSl slopes inhibition Outputs lock Hot-Runner controller...

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Gammadue series - 5

Temperature controller ■ Single ordouble action H/C PID or On-Off algorithm with overshoot control and Soft Start ■ Current transformer input for load ■ 1 isolated analogue output ■ 1 isolated analogue output for control ■ Special functions: Start-up and Timer ■ 1 Digital input (M4): Auto/Man, Loc/Stand-by, keypad lock ■ Auxiliary power supply for 2-wire ■ Safety Limiter function (M4 only) Auxiliary input Digital input Setpoint Special functions Digital input functions (M4) FllZZy tuning with automatic selection Auto tuning Serial communications Modbus Slave supervision purposes Natural...

Open the catalog to page 5
Gammadue series - 6

Heat/Cool Temperature controller ■ Single or double action H/C PID or On-Off algorithm with overshoot control and Soft Start ■ 1 isolated analogue output ■ Special functions: Start-up and Timer ■ Auxiliary power supply for 2-wire Auxiliary input Fuzzy tuning with automatic selection Auto tuning Natural Frequency Serial communications Special functions Modbus Slave supervision purposes Double action controller with analogue output ■ Single or double action H/C PID or On-Off algorithm with overshoot control and Soft Start ■ Current transformer input for load ■ 1 isolated analogue output for...

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Gammadue series - 7

Process controller-Programmer with PROFIBUS DP and Modbus Master/Slave ■ 2 isolated analogue outputs for control and/or re-transmission ■ Single ordouble action H/C PID or On-Off algorithm with overshoot control and Soft Start ■ time proportioning, analogue and valve drive control ■Auto/Man with bumpless ■ Remote Setpointwith Bias ■ 4 Setpoint programs up to 16 segments Mathematical package Fast View for customised parameters Memory chip for data copying/archiving Auxiliary power supply for 2-wire Auxiliary input Three digital inputs Digital input functions FllZZy tuning with automatic...

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Gammadue series - 8

ASCON spa 20021 Bollate (Milano) Italy Via Falzarego, 9/11 Tel. +39 02 333 371 Fax +39 02 350 4243 ASCON FRANCE 2 bis, Rue Paul Henri Spaak ST. THIBAULT DES VIGNES F-77462 LAGNY SUR MARNE - Cedex Tél. +33 (0) 1 64 30 62 62 Fax +33 (0) 1 64 30 84 98 e-mail AGENCE SUD-EST Tél. +33 (0) 4 74 27 82 81 Fax +33 (0) 4 74 27 81 71 WORLDWIDE NETWORK OF DIRECT SALES CENTRES, DISTRIBUTORS AND VARs Europe Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Rep, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia,...

Open the catalog to page 8

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