Catalog excerpts

E Configurable recorder 1, 2, 3 or 6 channels 100 mm recording span RZ100 line B.T. 05.09.RZE ASCON spa 20021 Bollate - (Milano) Italy - Via Falzarego, 9/11 - Tel. +39 02 333 371 - Fax +39 02 350 4243 http://www.ascon.it e-mail info@ascon.it Certified ISO 9001
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Presenting the RZ100 Industrial with its clear, large digital displj and improved accuracy and reliability. u.iuz za\u\> Highly responsive and multi-functional w 1-pen, 2-pen, 3-pen and 6-dot models Օ Universal input (voltage) Various standard functions which cover many applications Օ Equipped with generous digital printing functions m
Open the catalog to page 2
Highly reliable and compact Packed full of the latest technologies. No Moving Contacts Moving contacts have always been the most important dterminant of recorder life. In con-ventional recorders, input selector relays. pen position sensing slidewire potentiometers, and DC servo motor brushes limit instrument life, and make maintenance a real headache. But thse new recorders eliminate th騨se sources of mechanical wear with high-voltage solid-state scanner relays, ultrasonic pen position transducers, and brushless DC servo motors that work with no moving contacts. The resuit is longer life,...
Open the catalog to page 4
Spcifications _Input_ Input signais: Measurement range, and measurement range limits: Rf驩rence junction compensation accuracy: (more than 0"C) Type R, S, B, W: ±1°C Type K, J, E, T, N, L, U: ±0,5°C Measurement interval: Pen models: 125 ms/channel Dot-model: 5 sec/6 dois A-D intgration time: 20 ms (50 Hz), 16.7 ms (60 Hz), 100 ms (dot model only) selectable Input rsistance: DC voltage 2 V and lower ranges, TC ranges: 10 MU min. DC voltage 6 V and higher ranges: Approx. 1 Mil Input Source R驩sistance: DC V, TC input: less than 2 kil RTD input: less than 10i2/wire (Rsistance is well-balanced...
Open the catalog to page 6
Messege prinlout (dot model only): up lo 5 messages, 16 characlers long Prinlout command available on remole conlrol also. Chart speed change pnntout (dot model only): Printouts ot the chart speed and time when the change occurs, can be made by the user. List printoul (dot model only): Prints listing ot range settings, alarm settings. and other parameters. _Construction/Power Source_ Dimensions: approx 144 (W) x 144 (H) X 220 (D) mm Weight: approx 1-pen, 3.1 kg: 2-pen, 3.3 kg: 3-pen. 3.5 kg; 6-dot. 3.4 kg Power source: Rated power voltage: 100to 240 VAC Usable power voltage ranges: 90 to...
Open the catalog to page 7
Ordering information DESCRIPTION INSTRUMENT CODE 1-pen recorder (100 mm Z fold chart paper) 2-pens recorder (100 mm Z fold chart paper) 3-pens recorder (100 mm Z fold chart paper) 6-dot recorder (100 mm Z fold chart paper) RZ100-1MO RZ100-2MO RZ100-3MO RZ100-6MO Offset pen compensation Note: Including freely configurable inputs, display and Burnout DESCRIPTION OPTION CODE - (supplied separately) 2 relay alarm outputs module 4 relay alarm outputs module 6 relay alarm outputs module remote control 2 relay alarm outputs module + remote control 4 relay alarm outputs module + remote control 6...
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