Catalog excerpts

sigma micro PAC is a micro P P rogramma-bleA A utomation C C ontroller ideal forapplications where process variables such as temperature, pressure, flow, level, etc. have an essential role. sigma micro PAC adds to the powerfuland accurate process control, the easy and quick management of the logics and sequences typical of the PLCs.The basic configuration consists of amodule including the CPU, 8 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs up to 8 analogue inputs and up to 4 analogue outputs. One or two expansion modules can be plugged into the basic unit to get up to 40 digital inputs and 40 digital outputs. The system can be integrated with one or more Touch Screen Operator Panels.Programming is easy and compliantwith IEC/EN 611131-3 standard. Six programming languages are available with a large library of AsconΒs function blocks dedicated to the pro- cess control in addition to the typical logics and automation sequences. sigma micro PAC is best suitable forthe complete control of machines and small plants such as climatic rooms, kilns, autoclaves, boilers etc. >
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U n i versa l M odbus T CP 50 mV, ѱ100 mV, 300 mV, ѱ1.25 V high impedance,2 configurable, scalable (option)TC ( > or R S 232 / 485 + R S 485 High L eve l M o db us RT U M aster / S lav e L, J, T, K, S, R, B, N, E, W3, W5), Pt100 (3 wire), Pt1000 and potentiometer (0.1... 10k Ω ) > 1 st Expansion Modul e Acquisition time60 ms > 8 / 16 DI 8 / 16 D OS Resolution16 bit > S ink 24Vdc ource 24Vdc, 0.5A Accuracy0.1% Input inpedance10 M Ω (V) > 2 n d Expansion Module Cold junction compensation ≤ 1C/20аC ambient temperature800 V between Power supply and logicsIsolation40 Vpp between the 2...
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SCADA StationOperator Panel Remote Control (GSM modem) Remote Modbus I/Os Ethernet 10 Mbit base T RS 232 ASCIIRS485 Modbus RTU Master sigma micro PAC Basic Unit sigma micro PAC Expansion module sigma micro PAC Expansion module CPU + 28 I/O 32 digital I/O 16 digital I/O > sigma micro PAC offers the maximum freedomin the design of the control strategies. Ascons libraries, including a large number of function blocks, macroblocks, On line documentation and functional examples, complete the IEC 1131 environment and allow to quickly personalize your own application.The AsconҒs libraries include...
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Basic Unit (CPU with integrated I/Os) > LineVersionHardware Model:ՕՕՕAnalogue inputs Analogue outputs 8 DI 24Vdc + 8 DO 24Vdc 0.5A Serial communications Modbus RTUEthernet port Modbus TCPConnector types Installation manual in English 2 bis, Rue Paul Henri SpaakST. THIBAULT DES VIGNES F-77462 LAGNY SUR MARNE - Cedex Tթl. +33 (0) 1 64 30 62 62 Fax +33 (0) 1 64 30 84 98 www.ascon.fr ascon.france@ascon.frAGENCE SUD-ESTTl. +33 (0) 4 74 27 82 81 Fax +33 (0) 4 74 27 81 71 Analogue inputs A > Serial communications D 6 analogue inputs - High level (mA, V) Not fitted 6 analogue inputs - High level...
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