Catalog excerpts

ASCON TECNOLOGIC ASCOMB SERiES COMBUSTION CONTROL • ZIRCONIUM OXIDE PROBE ZO2-I/E • COMBUSTION MONITOR OXM • OXYGEN "TRIM" CONTROLLER OXR • COMPLETE SYSTEMS Combustion and monitoring systems with zirconium oxide probe, for the residual oxygen measurement in the flue gases of civil and industrial power plants. • Energy saving; • Norm compliance; • Safety; • Pollution reduction; • Boilers lifetime increase; • Quick installation; • Low maintenance. APPLICATION flELDS • CiViL POWER PLANTS • iNDUSTRiAL POWER PLANTS • COGENERATiON • BiOMASS POWER PLANTS • DiSTRiCT HEATiNG PLANTS
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Combustion control ASCOMB Series ENERGY SAVING Starting from combustion theory… In figure 1, it is possible to identify the optimal combustion zone where the high efficiency matches the minimum pollution values thanks to the correct air/flue ratio. Modifying the boiler load, the air/fuel ratio is changed dynamically as shown in fig.2 Through the continuous oxygen content monitoring in the flue gases and boiler load, it is possible to keep the burner in the optimal combustion zone to ensure better performance and lower pollution levels. of comb ustion Unburnst losses Smoke increase Fig. 1 -...
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Combustion Control Ascomb series LAws ANd reGuLAtioNs Various pollution control standards have been developed over the years. the environmental conservation directives regulate the flue gas emissions that civil and industrial plants generate into the atmosphere. the flue gas oxygen content has always been an important reference parameter. this is the main measurement of AsComb systems for combustion monitoring and control. in addition, the systems may measure and record other combustion parameters such as carbon monoxide and flue gases temperature. therefore, the AsComb systems may be...
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COMBUSTiON CONTROL ASCQMB SERIES ASCON TECNOLOGIC EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL Oxigen measurement Z02-I-300/500 ln-situ zirconium oxide probe with integrated electronics; Z02-E-300/500 in-situ zirconium oxide probe with external electronics; Z02-E-C100 Extractive zirconium oxide probe with external electronics. Monitoring and Control units OXM oxygen monitor for efficiency, air excess and Co2%; OXR oxygen "Trim"controller for flue gases oxygen content according to the load changes. Measurement of air/flue gases temperature RF1 PT100 Probe for measuring the flue gas temperature; RF1...
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Open the catalog to page 5
Combustion Control Ascomb series Zo2-i Probe How to order Zirconium oxide probe with integrated electronics Probe length = 300 mm Zirconium oxide probe with integrated electronics ZO2-I-500 Probe length = 500 mm ZO2-I-300 Ideal work area of the “ZO2” probe in-situ zirconium oxide probe for direct and continuous measurement of residual oxygen percentage in the flue gas. Equipped with integrated electronic, generates directly a linear 4... 20 mA output with active or passive output selectable by jumpers. flow sense of the smoke main functions of electronic card are: • management of the sensor...
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Combustion Control Ascomb series Zo2-e Probe How to order Zirconium oxide probe with external electronics Probe length = 300 mm Zirconium oxide probe with external electronics ZO2-E-500 Probe length = 500 mm ZO2-E-300 Ideal work area of the “ZO2” probe in-situ zirconium oxide probe for direct and continuous measurement of residual oxygen percentage in the flue gas within harsh environments where high temperatures and /or vibrations can damage on-board electronics. Equipped with external electronic, generates directly a linear 4... 20 mA output with active or passive output selectable by...
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Combustion Control Ascomb series Extractive zirconium oxide probe with external electronics usage Extractive zirconium oxide probe for direct and continuous residual oxygen percentage measurement in the flue gas under critical process conditions. Equipped with external electronic, generates directly a linear 4... 20 mA output with active or passive output selectable by jumpers. 3m Ideal work area of the “ZO2” probe main functions of electronic card are: • management of the sensor and the built in heater; • range settings; • Calibration; • signal output adjustment. Flow sense of the smoke...
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COMBUSTiON CONTROL ASCOMB SERIES C€ OX SERIES MONITOR AND CONTROLLER ASCON TECNOLOGIC EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL Main analogue input Auxiliary analogue inputs Main analogue output Auxiliary analogue output Digital inputs and related functions Alarm outputs Serial communications (optional) Power supply Current consuption Ambient temperature Ambient humidity EMC Mounting Front panel protection degree Dimensions mV from the Zo2 probe (0.2 % ±1 digit) or 4... 20 mA linearised with range 0.0... 20.9% 2 x 4... 20 mA from air and flue gases temperature 4... 20 mA/0... 10 V settable for: o2%, fgT,...
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Combustion control ASCOMB Series OXM Combustion monitor How to order Model OXM - = Combustion Monitor Power supply 3 = 100... 240 VAC 5 = 24 VAC/DC Serial communications 0 = None 3 = RS485 Modbus Output Y1 1 = 4... 20 mA 2 = 0... 10 V Output Y2 1 = 4... 20 mA 2 = 0... 10 V Acquiring the measurement of residual oxygen in the flue gas, the monitor calculates: h Efficiency; l Air excess; %CO2 Carbon dioxide. It is possible calculate continuously the combustion process in terms of safety and energy saving. Config. output T smoke T smoke indicator Free signals Data recorder Support brackets with...
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Combustion control ASCOMB Series OXM Oxigen “Trim” Controller How to order Model OXR - = Oxigen “TRIM” controller Power supply 3 = 100... 240 VAC 5 = 24 VAC/DC Serial communications 0 = None 3 = RS485 Modbus Output Y1 1 = 4... 20 mA 2 = 0... 10 V Output Y2 1 = 4... 20 mA 2 = 0... 10 V Application example ZO2 Probe The oxygen “trim”controller continuously optimizes the air/fuel ratio acting on the air quantity adjustment according to load. This optimization is related to the oxygen content in the flue gases. This enable to save fuel consumption reducing the chimney flue heat loss and to...
Open the catalog to page 11All ASCON TECNOLOGIC catalogs and technical brochures
85 Pages
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VA7810 Series Self-Calibrating
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at on cloud
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Sensitive Touch - Data sheet
4 Pages
Z31/Y39 - Data sheet
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ASCOMB - Technical bulletin
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113 Pages
Refrigeration catalogue 2016
168 Pages
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Sensitive Touch
4 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages
2 Pages
49 Pages
Deltadue series
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Gammadue series
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IO-CB series
4 Pages
Climatic test chambers.
2 Pages
Paperless recorder
4 Pages
Industrial operator panel
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
3 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Pneumatic Actuators
7 Pages