Catalog excerpts

Copyright 2008 asa hydraulik GmbH A: - F: - B: - G: - C: - L: - D: - W: - E: - > Radiator material: Aluminium Pspez [kW/C] P [bar] > Working pressure (static): 26 bar (370 PSI) 0.012 0.600 0.010 0.480 > ASA0013GE01 0.007 > 0.02 kW 0.12 A IP 20 0.360 > 2650 1/min 0.04 kg/s 41 db(A) 1.4 kg Order Number Motor Power Current Protection Level Rotation Air Flow Noise Level Weight 0.005 0.240 0.002 0.120 5 10 15 20 Qp [l/min] 5 10 15 20 Qp [l/min] > Cooling Performance* Pressure Drop TT 01 230V AC (0.02 kW) size="-3">
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www.asahydraulik.com support@asahydraulik.com Fax: ++43 / 1 / 292 40 70 Tel.: ++43 / 1 / 292 40 20 A-1210 Wien, Austria, Europe Prager Strasse 280 asa hydraulik GmbH characteristics, dimensions and weights can also change, although we do our best to incorporate these changes continually. and reserves the right to change products and details without prior notification.As we are constantly improving our products, the of the information and these products in their particular applications. ASA assumes no liability for any errors, commissions or misprints The information contained in this...
Open the catalog to page 2All ASA technology Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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Vibration absorbers
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Connection technology
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CC Series
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Thermal Systems Standard Ranges
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Gerotor Pump Unit
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Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers
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Archived catalogs
Air/Oil Cooler
3 Pages
Mobile air/oil Cooler
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