Catalog excerpts
TURKIYE'DE BIR SEKTOR, ^ LiDERIYLE BIRLIKTE DOGDU. Tiirkiye'nin et i§leme sektoriine hizmet veren An Makina; 1963 yilmda Kemal ARICI tarafmdan kurulmu§ olup et i§leme makinalan konusunda Tiirkiye'nin ilk TSE belgeli makinalarim iireten firma olarak, yillann kazandirdigi birikim ve tecriibe ile yalmz Tiirkiye'de degil diinya arenasmda yer alan diger biiyiik makina endiistrisi kurulu§lan ile kiyaslanabilir giiglii bir konumda faaliyetlerini siirdiirmektedir. An Makina iiretmi§ oldugu tiim makinalan kendi miihendisleri tarafmdan projelendirilip, uzun AR-GE gali§malarmm sonucunda iiretim...
Open the catalog to page 2ARI MARINA MEAT GRINDER MACHINES Ari Makina, who is servicing the meat treatment sector of Turkey, was founded by Kemal Arid in 1969. As a company manufacturing the first TSE (Turkish Standards Institute) certified meat treatment machines of Turkey, it continues its activities in a strong position comparable to other major machinery industry not only in Turkey but worldwide with its experience and knowledge accumulated throughout the years. Ari Makina initiates the manufacturing process upon the results of long R&D studies of which the projects were performed by its engineers of all its...
Open the catalog to page 3Ari Makina'nm iiretmi§ oldugu kiyma makinalari kasap, market, otel restoranlarda ve et i§leme sektoriinde etin kiyma haline gelmesi i§leminde kullamlmasi igin ozel olarak tasarlanmi§tir. Komple krom paslanmaz olan makinalar ihtiyaca gore degi§ik kapasitelere, boyutlara, motor giiglerine ve ozelliklere sahiptir. Machines produced by An Makina are designed specially for usage in efficient mincing of meat in butcher's shops, grocery stores, hotels-restaurants and meat processing. Our complete stainless machines have different size, capacity, motor power and feature according to consumer's...
Open the catalog to page 4Tiim kiyma makinasi modellerinde sok-tak kafa ozelligi opsiyonel olarak mevcuttur. Temizlik surecinde yiv-set sokiiliip kolayca temizlenir; boylece hijyen agisindan list diizey koruma saglamr. Tiim modellerin diiz modelleri de vardir ve sektorde yaygm olarak kullamlir. La particularite de la tete qui se retire et qui se remet est fournie de fagon optionnelle dans tous les modeles de hachoirs. Lors du nettoyage, le plateau peut etre retire pour etre facilement nettoye; de cette fagon une * protection elevee du point de vue de l'hygiene est fournie. Les modeles simplifies de tous les modeles...
Open the catalog to page 5Turn modellerimize opsiyonel olarak sogutma sistemi ilave edilebilir. Sogutucu sistemi sok-tak olarak tasarlanmi§tir. Daha sonradan ilave edilme §ansi miimkundur. Sogutucu motorlarmda gevreye duyarli R134 A gazi kullamlmi§tir. Sogutma sistemlerindeki motoru sanayii tipidir. Sogutma gostergesi Eliwell 30 Amper IP 65 toz ve suyu kar§i dayamkhdir. Cooling system can be added to our all models as optional. Cooling system is designed as demountable. Therefore it can be mounted later. Enviromentally-conscious R 1 3 4 A gas is used in cooling motor of the machines. The motor of cooling system is...
Open the catalog to page 6it Sinir ayirma sisteminde kullamlan ayna, bigak grubu Almanya men§eilidir. (L&W ve Zico) 3 ayna + 2 bigak sistemlidir. ^ Plates and blades in sinew separating system are made in Germany (L&W ve Zico). It works with 3 plate+2 blades system. ^ Le miroir, le groupe de couteaux utilises dans le systeme de separation de nerf sont d'origine allemande (L&W et Zico). Est un systeme avec 3 miroirs + 2 couteaux. Kullamlan elektrik diigmeleri IP 65 olup toz ve suya kar§i dayamklidir. (ALMANYA) Ust hazne 1,2 mm veya 1,5 mm 304 kalite paslanmazdan imal edilmi§tir. ■Jt Electric buttons are IP 65, so...
Open the catalog to page 7Kullarulan Motorlar: PKM/12-22-32 modellerinde VOLT marka motor; PKM 42 modelinde GAMAK marka motor kullamlmi§tir. Rediktoru hassas aliiminyum dokumdiir. §anziman gelik di§li grubu ozel olarak sulanrm§ ve ta§lanmi§tir. Kullanilan elektrik kablosu 5X2,5 TSE ve CE standartlarma uygun numarali kablodur. Used motors: PKM/12-22-32 models have VOLT brand and PKM 42 model has GAMAK brand motor. Its reductor is soft aliminium cast. Gearbox steel gear group is specially watered and grinded. Electric cable is suitable to 5x2,5 TSE and CE standards. Moteurs utilises: Les moteurs de la marque VOLT sont...
Open the catalog to page 8ARICI MAKINA GIDA VE DI$ TiC.LTD.§Tl. Adres: DES Sanayi Sitesi. C Blok. 117 Sk. No :10 Umraniye Istanbul TURKIYE aricimakina
Open the catalog to page 10All Ari Makina Insaat Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
TES 200
6 Pages
FPK 100 -200 - 400
5 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
12 Pages
2 Pages
KRT 20
13 Pages
model DKM-200
4 Pages
12 Pages
DKM 200
4 Pages
OKM 34100
18 Pages