Catalog excerpts

PROGRAMMABLE MULTI-FUNCTION WELD POWER SUPPLY State-of-the-Art Technology with Unparalleled Flexibility and Capabil The Model 415 is an all-in-one computer controlled GTAW power supply. It is primarily designed to work with AMI's orbital and fixed automation weld heads. The Model 415 power supply can control third party positioners and welding manipulators. The Model 415 incorporates a powerful automation control- ler designed to meet the challenges of the most demand- ing welding applications. At the heart of the power supply is an industrial computer programmed via a large 12" touch screen or keyboard. The intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) makes programming easy using standard welding industry terminology and clearly organized input fields. Input Power Weld Current Service, 3-phase 100% Duty Cycle Water Cooler Weight Dala acquisition output Ethernet over fiber optic Memory Capacity Over 1000 weld programs www.arcmachines.com sales@arcmachines.com
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MODEL 415 PROGRAMMABLE MULTI-FUNCTION WELD POWER SUPPLY The Model 415 power supply has many standard hardware and software features. The power supply contains all the hardware and control elements of a welding automation cell in a highly integrated com- pact package. It can easily be switched between orbital and fixed automation applications. • Computer controlled, solid state, pulsed, and air cooled GTAW inverter • 12" touch screen graphical user interface (GUI) to display all weld data • High capacity, programmable memory tor storage of weld schedule information • Current servo plus 4...
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STANDARD SOFTWARE Single or multipass welding schedule programming Stepped or spiral travel programming Up to 100 levels in one pass and up to 100 individual passes Pulsed current, travel, wire feed, oscillation, and wire manipulator synchronization Level programming in time or distance Data acquisition output Pre-programmed library of weld head definitions to reduce calibration and setup times One Level Edit Screen User-modifiable programming field descriptions Multi-level password protection Project data recording Bar graph presentation of real-time welding parameters Foreign language...
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WHAT’S INCLUDED M415 Package 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M415 remote pendant Pendant cable extension - 40 ft. Ground cable with 400A ground clamp - 40 ft. Weld head control cable - 40 ft. Weld head services cable - 40 ft. 6. 10 ft. shielding gas hose 7. Input power cable 8. Keyboard 9. Heavy-duty, reusable shipping crate 10. Software package and operator manual COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS Remote Vision System Chart Recorder Remote PC WELD HEADS Model 2 Model 43 Model 52 Heavy-Duty Pipe Weld Head Leaders & Innovators in Automated Orbital Welding For further information please visit our website or contact us...
Open the catalog to page 4All Arc Machines catalogs and technical brochures
Model 415
4 Pages
Model 2
2 Pages
86 Pages
Model 8 Narrow Weld Heads
2 Pages