Catalog excerpts

MODULAR PRODUCTION WELDING SYSTEMS Modular and Configurable Weld Head for Custom Applications The Model 2 weld head is a modular and highly configurable tool designed for custom applications. The Model 2 is used in production applications where orbital welding may be impractical, and for factory applications requiring heavy-duty, in-place welding systems. The Model 2 “building block” approach uses a series of standardized motion stages for functions such as AVC (Arc Voltage Control), Torch Oscillation (weaving), onboard Wire Feeder and in some cases, Travel. Up to eight axes of movement can be integrated into a welding system and controlled by the AMI Model 415 WDR Power Supply, including positioners, side beams, welding lathes and seamers. The Model 2 can also be equipped with a wide variety of general and specialized welding torches including hot wire and remote arc viewing systems. O Rugged production welding system for beam or positioner mounting. O Modular design for easy customization for specific applications. O Heavy-duty components. Multiple torch configurations available, such as: O Simple torch with AVC and wire feed. O Torch with AVC and Oscillation, Vision System optional. O Hot-Wire Torch with AVC and Oscillation, Vision System optional. O Narrow-gap torch with AVC, Oscillation and Vision System.
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SETUP WITH NGT-TORCH Featuring precision ball-screw positioning slides, the Model 2 can be configured in many different ways. It is intended to mount on a positioner, a beam or a positioning carriage. A typical setup features an AMI Narrow-Gap Torch with rotation tungsten. The vertical slide positions the torch and serves as the arc-gap (AVC) mechanism. The horizontal slide is used (in this application) for positioning, but with other torches, can also be used for oscillation. The slides shown are 12” (300 mm) total-movement versions and are available in many length in 2” (51 mm)...
Open the catalog to page 2All Arc Machines catalogs and technical brochures
Model 415
4 Pages
86 Pages
Model 8 Narrow Weld Heads
2 Pages