Group: Passavant -Diemme Filtration - Roediger - Noggerath - Johnson Screens - Geiger - Airvac
Catalog excerpts

Machines for sludge treatment Products & Services sludge thickening, sludge dewatering and process filtration
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Top: Detail of chamber filter press Bottom: Thickened sewage sludge
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Passavant Geiger 3 Products & Services Mechanical liquid separation System solutions for municipal a. industrial applications Increasing demands on the quality of wastewater, rising concerns regarding methods of disposal which have been practised for many years and the recovery of raw materials from wastewater are at present the framework for the planning of sustainable technologies for wastewater treatment. In this regard a central position is occupied by separation processes in which suspended solids are taken out of the liquid phase. The effectiveness of these separation processes has a...
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Top: Technical drawing of a thickener mechanism Drive Thickener rods Inlet cylinder Tank Scraper blades Sludge discharge Bottom right: Fence Thickener being maintained Bottom left: Assembly of Picket
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Passavant Geiger 5 Products & Services Static sludge Thickener Static thickeners are often used as a pre-stage to further mechanical sludge dewatering and, in industrial and municipal plants, they also take on an additional function as a hydraulic buffer. The suspended solids which are to be separated settle in the thickener tank as a result of gravity. Doing so, they form a layer of sediments across the whole bottom of the thickener tank. These sediments need to be conveyed to a central outlet and this task is carried out by thickeners. In addition to the scraper function, by means of the...
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Top: Baffle plates in the thickening zone Bottom: Thickened sludge on belt thickener Passavant FluX-Drain
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Passavant Geiger 7 Products & Services Belt Thickener Passavant FluX-Drain Belt thickeners are used to separate solids from sludge and suspensions on revolving and to a large degree open filter belts by means of gravity filtration. These continuously running devices are designed for high-level hydraulic flow rates for sludge with less than 1-2% of suspended solids. In most cases it is necessary to add polymers to achieve an optimal sludge thickening. Advantages of the Passavant FluX-Drain >Gentle sludge feed which reduces the amount of polymeric flocculants needed >Rearrangement of the...
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Top: Belt filter press Passavant FluX-Press Bottom left: Detail of pre-dewatering zone Bottom right: Cake discharge
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Passavant Geiger 9 Products & Services Belt Filter Press Passavant FluX-Press Belt filter presses are continuous pressure filters with revolving, endless filter belts. A light filter cake develops in the straining zone due to gravity filtration. The filter cake is then compacted in the pressing zone via a second filter belt. These presses are suitable for high dry-solid throughputs of statically or mechanically pre-thickened sludge. Due to the open pores, polymeric flocculants generally have to be added. When treating sludge with a low content of dry-solids, belt thickeners and belt filter...
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Top: Chamber filter presses Bottom left: Overhead filter press Bottom right: Opened filtrate outlet
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Products & Services Chamber filter presses Passavant Geiger 11 Passavant-Geiger provides filter presses with plate formats of 800 to 2450mm and with extensive accessory equipment. Using the know-how from numerous references in the industrial and wastewater sector, optimal technological and cost-effective solutions for filtration tasks are designed and supplied. Mobile pilot plants are also available. In this way the dewatering characteristics of the sludge can be determined and suitable technologies can be selected together with the customer. Fields of application for the Passavant chamber...
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Passavant-Geiger GmbH Business Unit Passavant Passavant-Roediger-Strasse 1 65326 Aarbergen, Germany Phone: +49 6120 28-0 Telefax: +49 6120 28 - 2182 www.passavant-geiger.de info@passavant-geiger.de
Open the catalog to page 12All Aqseptence Group catalogs and technical brochures
Water Treatment Systems
40 Pages
Climber Screen KRC
4 Pages
Bar Screen with Grab Cleaner
4 Pages
Shut-off Devices
6 Pages
6 Pages
Noggerath Spiral Sieves NSI
4 Pages
Leaflet Noggerath Sand Separator
2 Pages
Noggerath Spirals
2 Pages
Belt Filter Press
4 Pages
Sewage Sludge Drying Plant
4 Pages
Ball check valve
2 Pages
Noggerath Compact unit
4 Pages