Catalog excerpts

Our mission is to make a critical and effective contribution to the efficiency, performance and reliability of our custo mers cooling, preheating and desalina-tion processes. We are committed to achieving this through the development and supply of unique technologies designed to meet the specific needs of our customers on a global scale.We support our customers for the entire lifetime of their APV equipment through a global team of highly qualified and ex perienced specialists with spe-cial know ledge of the needs of the marine industry. 3 The APV Global Marine has more than half a century...
Open the catalog to page 3
Corner lock patented auto-matic plate locking for S and M plates EasyClip֙ patented easy access features for gasket changes Bubble lock ֖ automatic plate locking for L and XL plates Distribution area 100% flow distribution maximises thermal efficiency APV marine plate heat exchanger solutions offer cooling for engine capa city varying from 200 kW to more than 100.000 kW. Specialised plate designs deliver maximum thermal efficiency with a minimum cleaning and maintenance requirement, and the patented EasyClip֙ gasket system effectively reduces service downtime and spare parts costs. The...
Open the catalog to page 4
All sea water pipes in Cu-Ni-Fer corrosion free materials Adjustable Pump for chemtank is standard equipment Full temperature and pressure monitoring package for complete overview and easy adjustment > Specially designed titanium desa lination plates for maximum efficiency with solid stainless steel end plates. The APV Water Desalination Unit combines heat transfer know-ledge and expertise with corrosion-free materials and complete process monitoring instrumentation, enabling high-capacity and efficient fresh water generation. 5 >
Open the catalog to page 5
Your local contact: APV Global Marine, An SPX Brand Platinvej 8, 6000 Kolding, Denmark Phone: +45 70 278 444 Fax: +45 76 324 156 Email: marinekolding@apv.com > For more information about our worldwide locations, approvals, certifications, and local representatives, please visit www.apv.com.SPX Corporation SPX Corporation reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless...
Open the catalog to page 8All APV catalogs and technical brochures
CU4plus Series Control Units
1 Pages
2 Pages
DP4 – Piggable Valve
2 Pages
DW Series
8 Pages
Valve Key
32 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
APV Flex-Mix™ Liquiverter
2 Pages
VO-ll & VO-76
8 Pages
APV FX Milk Pasteuriser Unit
4 Pages
Multipurpose UHT Pilot Plant
8 Pages
D4 Series
8 Pages
APV FX Tubular UHT Plant
4 Pages
Thermal Processing Technology
20 Pages
Power+ Energy
44 Pages
32 Pages
Oil & Gas
21 Pages
APV Products & Services
8 Pages
The APV Flex-MixTM Family
8 Pages
DELTA AP1 Aseptic Valve
4 Pages
8 Pages
Heat Transfer Technology
8 Pages
APV FX SepStream
4 Pages
Rannie/Gaulin type 125T
4 Pages
Rannie/Gaulin type 110T
4 Pages
APV Homogenizers
16 Pages
NR5 EasyFlow Heat Exchanger
4 Pages
APV ParaFlow
8 Pages
APV XL PLate Heat Exchangers
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Nutritional Beverages
8 Pages
52 Pages
APV from A to Z
122 Pages
ParaFlow Power
4 Pages
Flow Technology Segment Overview
44 Pages
Flex-Mix Liquiverter
4 Pages
DELTA AP1 - Aseptic valves
4 Pages
W+ Centrifugal Pump
8 Pages
The APV LeanCreme Process
8 Pages
APV PUMA+ Centrifugal Pump
4 Pages
APV DW Rotary Lobe Pump
4 Pages
Lab Series Homogenisers
4 Pages
Water Desalination Unit
2 Pages
APV ParaBrazed
4 Pages
APV Heat Exchanger Bulletin
24 Pages
APV CurdMaster
4 Pages