Catalog excerpts

CU4plus Series Control Units Direct Connect & AS-i Accurate and Reliable Control of SPX FLOW Valves The CU4plus utilizes the latest in advanced control unit technology to offer the optimum solution to control and monitor sanitary valves. The control units provide increased process • Toolbox software for control, monitoring, and service: - Flexibility to adjust to different valve types (quarter-turn, single seat, double seat mix proof) - Ability to monitor valve open/close speed, number of strokes, operating hours, feedback position trends, and power status - Service feature ties to PLC for predictive maintenance functionality accuracy and safety, easy operation, and reliable G E N E R A L T E C H N I CA L DATA diagnostic tools for predictive maintenance. • Innovative, high-resolution position system: L E D f or st a tu s: - AS - i S t a t u s - Va l v e O p e n - Va l v e C l o s e d - Po w e r / D i a g n o s e - Upper Seat Lift (CU43plus-M & D4) - Lower Seat Lift (CU43plus-M & D4) - Highly accurate, contact-free valve stem measuring - “Teach-In” function for quick and easy feedback adjustment - Innovated fully integrated seat lift detection (SLD) for mix proof valves • Based on proven CU4 series platform - Chemically resistant, high strength synthetic construction -U ltra bright LEDs for clear indication of valve position, power, and solenoid activation -M anual override solenoids and adjustment screw to throttle actuator air flow - IP67 (NEMA 6) rating to withstand washdown environments - Ability to retrofit and upgrade on existing valves *Please Read Instruction Manual S P X F LOW 13320 Ballantyne Corporate Place Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 E: leads@spxflow.com SPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction, dimensional data and certifications as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit www.spxflow.com. The green “ ” and “ ” are trademarks of SPX FLOW, Inc. ISSUED 04/2021
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