Catalog excerpts

Paraflow Plate Heat Exchanger
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SPX offers an extensive portfolio of plate heat exchanges covering many industrial applications. Regularly SPX heat exchangers replace older technology products due to the simplicity of installation and their high performance thermal characteristics. Whether A History of Excellence, Innovation and Expertise For more than 75 years, SPX has provided customers worldwide with the latest technology, process equipment and engineered systems. APV also offers the special ingredients of integrated “process-to-boardroom” automation and services. APV is world renowned for state-of-the- recovering...
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Typical Industry Applications U n m atc h e d p r o c e s s k n ow l e d g e e n s u r e s s o l u t i o n s t h at a r e r i g h t f o r yo u . Name the process. Name the product. Our experts have already developed, installed, and supported a similar solution. Through an extensive database, all information regarding various installations are accessed and applied for developing solutions in a timely manner. With APV you can be confident that you will get a solution that will meet your needs.
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Key components of the plate heat exchanger P l at e Pac k The plate pack is the heat transfer surface consisting of a series of formed Molded gaskets in the through-port area of the plate metal plates compressed between the head and follower of the frame. provide a double seal between the fluid streams and prevent • Corner ports allow passage of the hot and cold liquids between the plates • Molded gaskets along the plate edge and around the ports prevent leakage and fluid intermixing intermixing. Gaskets in the groove around the perimeter of the plate seal the fluid between the plates. •...
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Unique designs from APV A P V D u o - Sa f e t y P l at e H e at E xc h a n g e r APV’s Duo-Safety Plate System provides exceptional protection against cross-contamination that could occur during a plate failure as leaks are forced outside the heat exchanger. This patented product consists of two independent weld-free plates simultaneously formed as a mated pair. Every plate pair is fitted with a non-glued Paraclip gasket to seal the pair together. Other advantages include: • 100% visual inspection • Easy dismantling of plate pairs for thorough cleaning of both sides of the plate •...
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Advantages of plate vs. tubular heat exchangers H i g h h e at t r a n s f e r • Film coefficients three-to five- times greater • Efficient operation with up • Modular design enables expansion of your heat exchanger Cold Fluid Out faster reaction times to change in process Hot Fluid Out passages in each pass E c o n o m i ca l a n d C o m pact • Reduces floor space by up to 90%, weighs less and delivers higher performance • Lower hold-up volume minimizes the amount of product required for flooding, reduces usage of high cost service fluids and improves thermal reaction time • Reduced...
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Committed to your needs – before, during, and long after the sale Should you require service, our skilled service technicians are available to make on-site repairs – or simply send your plates to one of our strategically located service centers. To further meet your needs, we offer a wide variety of services, as well as Plate Heat Exchanger Maintenance Service Agreements customized for your needs: • Regasketing — clean, test, and install gaskets to ensure gasket integrity and maximize heat transfer efficiency • Plate Exchange Program — minimize downtime by ensuring replacement plates at the...
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Xidu Industrial Park, E-mail: answers.us@spx.com E-mail: apv.emea.heat@spx.com Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX Corporation (NYSE: SPW) is a global Fortune 500 multi- industry manufacturing leader. For more information, please visit www.spx.com 105 CrossPoint Parkway Getzville, NY 14068 P: (800) 462-6893 F: (716) 692-1715 E: answers.us@spx..com SPX reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only...
Open the catalog to page 8All APV catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
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APV from A to Z
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Flow Technology Segment Overview
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