Catalog excerpts

At SPX Flow Technology, we work hard to improve the performance of your process and reduce your operating costs, so we The Value of Tradition, Tradition of Value pay attention to every aspect of delivering the right homogenizer for you. For example, we know the ideal type of valve, valve housing, and valve seating to optimize performance for your specific application. Gaulin. Rannie. Famous names in the history of homogenization. Today, the benefits of this heritage in homogenization and high-pressure pumps come to you as a great opportunity to choose between world leading brands. It’s...
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Rannie is established in Albertslund, The first homogenizer is used for cell APV, an SPX brand, acquires Rannie. featuring production of lactoscopes and pumps for use in the dairy industry. 1955 Gaulin is granted patents on the citrus juice Liquid Whirling (LW) homogenizing valve concentrate process. Auguste Gaulin is granted a patent in Paris for a homogenizer for milk (U.S. patent delivering built-in back pressure for improved efficiency. The use of homogenizers extends throughout a wide range of industries. Milk homogenized on Gaulin’s machine is shown at the World’s fair in Paris. well...
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Excellence Through Innovation SPX F low T e c h n o lo gy h a s r e vo l u t i o n i z e d Laboratory 1000/2000 c o u n t l e s s p r o c e s s e s , fac i l i tat i n g th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f n e w p r o d u ct s a n d e n h a n c i n g many mor e. We feature the widest selection of laboratory, pilot plant, production homogenizers, and colloid mills in the world, with hundreds of innovative solutions to meet your highly specialized emulsions and dispersion applications. Whatever you are processing, we will deliver a homogenizer customized to your specific needs. No matter how...
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Homogenization Overview T h e T h e o ry o f H o m o g e n i z at i o n The unhomogenized product enters the valve area at high pressure and low Homogenization valve velocity. As the product enters the adjustable, close clearance area between the valve and seat, there is a rapid increase in velocity with a corresponding VALVE SEAT decrease in pressure. The intense energy release causes turbulence and localized pressure differences, which will tear apart the particles. The homogenized product impinges on the impact ring and exits at a pressure sufficient for movement to the next processing...
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Covering a Full Spectrum of Applications While others talk versatility, only SPX Flow Technology’s extensive experience – DAIRY with an unsurpassed variety of applications – means you’ll receive the right unit and configuration for outstanding performance. Simply put, we understand your business. The bottom-line and process-performance benefits of this knowledge and expertise will simply delight you. Da i ry P r o d u ct s Extended shelf stability, improved smoothness and body. • Milk • Ice cream FOOD & BEVERAGE • Desserts • Sour cream • Condensed milk F o o d s a n d B e v e r ag e s...
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Ch e m i ca l s Particle size and viscosity control, enhanced color, uniformity of application, and improved stability. • Disinfectants • Silicone emulsions • Pigment dispersions • Specialty paints and coatings • Viscosity index improvements B i ot e c h n o lo gy Cell disruption for harvesting high yields of intracellular products. • Bacteria (E-Coli) • Proteins • Yeast (Cerevisiae) • Algae • Enzymes Ph a r m ac e u t i ca l s Stability, uniformity, narrow particle size distribution, enhanced texture. • Antibiotics • Veterinarial preparations • Intravenous emulsions • Tablet coatings •...
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Innovative Technology From the power end to the liquid end, Rannie and Gaulin homogenizers are Gaulin Mono-Block with Hydraulic Actuation designed and built to exceed your expectations for excellence in quality and technological innovation. The most critical component of the homogenizing system is the valve technology. SPX Flow Technology has established itself as the leader in developing a wide range of technologically advanced valves for a wide range of applications. Our engineers are committed to working with you every step of the way to ensure the homogenizing valve configuration and...
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Ball valves, designed for high-viscosity, abrasive products including peanut butter, evaporated milk, wax emulsions lubricants and pigments. Aseptic Rannie Three-Piece Cyclinder Block with Hydraulic Actuation Double-Packed Cylinders, engineered for aseptic processing and can also provide containment of fugitive emissions (compounds that are pathogenic, toxic, and radioactive flammable). T h e R a n n i e T h r e e - P i e c e Va lv e H o u s i n g The Rannie cylinder block exemplifies engineering superiority and is well suited for both sanitary and industrial applications. The design allows...
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SPX Delivers the Right Valve for Your Application SEO Homogenizing Valve: A flat, conical homogenizing valve made of several ceramic materials is used for abrasive products. Also available in Stellite and tungsten carbide. The SEO achieves the same homogenizing effect as the LW, at slightly higher pressures. XFD Homogenizing Valve: Typically used as a single-stage valve for capacities up to 36,000 liters/hour or as the first-stage valve in a two-stage configuration. The XFD is available in Stellite and tungsten carbide. LW Universal Homogenizing Valve: The LW’s (liquid whirl) whirling...
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T h e P ow e r E n d Engineered to provide multiple environmental and ergonomic benefits, the power end incorporates a durable slow-speed drive with adjustable stainless steel feet and vibration dampeners. A stainless steel enclosure, elimination of external oil piping, pilot lamp, and push-button start/stop feature facilitate easy operation. Every power end is engineered for minimal noise and vibration, to keep process effectiveness at its highest. Maintenance-reduction features include an extended 2,000 hour/six-month oil change interval, and easy access through hinged doors. The power...
Open the catalog to page 11All APV catalogs and technical brochures
CU4plus Series Control Units
1 Pages
2 Pages
DP4 – Piggable Valve
2 Pages
DW Series
8 Pages
Valve Key
32 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
APV Flex-Mix™ Liquiverter
2 Pages
VO-ll & VO-76
8 Pages
APV FX Milk Pasteuriser Unit
4 Pages
Multipurpose UHT Pilot Plant
8 Pages
D4 Series
8 Pages
APV FX Tubular UHT Plant
4 Pages
Thermal Processing Technology
20 Pages
Power+ Energy
44 Pages
32 Pages
Oil & Gas
21 Pages
APV Products & Services
8 Pages
The APV Flex-MixTM Family
8 Pages
DELTA AP1 Aseptic Valve
4 Pages
8 Pages
Heat Transfer Technology
8 Pages
APV FX SepStream
4 Pages
Rannie/Gaulin type 125T
4 Pages
Rannie/Gaulin type 110T
4 Pages
NR5 EasyFlow Heat Exchanger
4 Pages
APV ParaFlow
8 Pages
APV XL PLate Heat Exchangers
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Nutritional Beverages
8 Pages
52 Pages
APV from A to Z
122 Pages
ParaFlow Power
4 Pages
Flow Technology Segment Overview
44 Pages
Flex-Mix Liquiverter
4 Pages
DELTA AP1 - Aseptic valves
4 Pages
W+ Centrifugal Pump
8 Pages
The APV LeanCreme Process
8 Pages
APV PUMA+ Centrifugal Pump
4 Pages
APV DW Rotary Lobe Pump
4 Pages
Lab Series Homogenisers
4 Pages
Water Desalination Unit
2 Pages
APV ParaBrazed
4 Pages
APV Heat Exchanger Bulletin
24 Pages
APV CurdMaster
4 Pages