Catalog excerpts

APV FX Tubular Juice Pasteuriser A P V FX SYS T E M S ™
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Engineering excellence, allied to stringent quality control, ensures that SPX’s unrivalled range of APV products complies with Increase output quickly with minimum investment the highest international standards for hygiene. In the light of growing pressure worldwide to deliver safe, high quality food, all SPX products are designed for easy cleanability, while minimising the use of valuable resources, such as energy. The FAC T D E L I V E RY, H I G H Q UA L I T Y The Tubular Juice Pasteuriser can be used for juices, soft drinks, tea and coffee drinks, and water. B E N E FITS APV product...
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Typical Product Applications S H O R T T I M E T O P R O D U CT I O N • Each module contains a full set of installation instructions for fast assembly and connection P R OV E N R E L I A B I L I T Y • Full testing of each unit by SPX specialists prior to shipping • Rapid installation and commissioning • Proven functionality and performance S TA N D A R D I S E D T U R N K E Y PA C K A G E • Skid-mounted pasteurisation system with small footprint • Fast delivery • Commissioning • All in the box – all in the price OPTION S • Vacuum deaeration plant connection Soft Drinks • Cooling to 5°C by...
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APV FX Tubular Juice Pasteuriser Email: ft.americas.fxqueries@spx.com Email: ft.apac.fxqueries@spx.com Email: ft.bydgoszcz.fxqueries@spx.com Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX Corporation (NYSE: SPW) is a global Fortune 500 multi-industry manufacturing leader. For more information, please visit www.spx.com. Pasteursvej DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark Phone: +45 70 278 278 Fax: +45 70 278 330 SPX reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin,...
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