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Catalog excerpts

77T - 2

The APV® 77T homogeniser is a threeplunger reciprocating pump, fitted with hydraulically actuated homogenising valves. The APV 77T incorporates a durable slowspeed Power End in a low and compact design, for optimal performance and reliability. APV® Rannie and Gaulin 77T Homogeniser The more modular and flexible design of the APV 77T makes it suitable for a wide range of applications in dairy, food, beverage, industrial and pharmaceutical industries. Homogenising valves can easily be changed to accommodate different types of product and/or capacities on the same homogeniser. Liquid End...

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77T - 3

Features and Options TH E LIQU I D E N D I NCLU D E S • Pressure gauges • Pressure relief valve • Weld-stub product connections • 3-A sanitary design in stainless steel or duplex materials • Ball or poppet pump valves • Hard metal coated long life plungers • Hydraulic valve actuator for smooth and stable control • Single or two stage homogenising valve, to meet your application requirements R A N N I E M O D E L 77 T / T H R E E - P I E C E VA LV E H O U S I N G P O P P E T A N D BA L L VA LV E S US U N ITS TYPE TH E P OWE R E N D I N CLU D E S • Internal gear and self-adjusting belt...

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77T - 4

Min. recommanded service area Min. recommanded service area 2820 Based in Charlotte, North 1390 Carolina, SPX FLOW, Inc. (NYSE: FLOW) is a multi-industry manufacturing leader. For more information, please visit www.spxflow.com 492 A M E R I CA S S PX F LOW 611 Sugar Creek Road SPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, and certifications as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed...

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All APV catalogs and technical brochures

  1. SW4

    2 Pages

  2. DW Series

    8 Pages

  3. Valve Key

    32 Pages

  4. DT4

    4 Pages

  5. 57T

    4 Pages

  6. D4 Series

    8 Pages

  7. Power+ Energy

    44 Pages

  8. Oil & Gas

    21 Pages

  9. APV ParaFlow

    8 Pages

Archived catalogs


    52 Pages

  2. APV from A to Z

    122 Pages