GI Brochure


Catalog excerpts

GI Brochure - 1

Meet Applied Robotics Next Gen Blah Blah The Wrist-down Robotic Solution Provider Firmly posi oned as a global leader of specialized automa on end-of-arm tooling (EOAT) and connec vity solu ons, ARI is an expert at bringing greater speed, flexibility and efficiency to your automa on-based processes. Our product set is comprised of tool changers, collision sensors, grippers and other end effectors engineered to serve in material handling, assembly, cu ng, dispensing, machining and welding applica ons. ARI works directly with you to evaluate and define your tooling needs. That means understanding your industry and unique requirements. We never stop looking at new and innova ve ways to do more, do it faster, and do it be er. Our extensive field proven product line has the components to tackle almost any wrist down applica on, but in situa ons where off the shelf products aren’t the best solu on or simply don’t exist; we’re open to custom engineering an answer — it’s what we do. What is a Wrist-down Component or EOAT? A wrist-down component, also known as end-of-arm tooling (EOAT), is any object a ached to the robot flange (wrist) that serves a func on, including; * robo c grippers * robo c tool changers * robo c collision sensors QuickSTOP Collision Sensor Line MXC Tool Changer Line—modular configura on allows for quick customiza on

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GI Brochure - 2

Tool Changers = Flexibility When it comes to robo cs, maximizing up me is cri cal. That's why Applied Robo cs has designed our CXC, MXC, and Sigma robo c tool changer lines to perform mul ple func ons in a single work cell easily and efficiently. Don’t stop your produc on line so a machine mechanic can swap tooling, let the robot swap tools on the fly! Applied Robo cs' connec on technology is designed to improve any process requiring frequent connec on/disconnec on of u li es – automa cally. Collision Sensors = Insurance Grippers Next Gen Blah Blah Sigma Tool Changer Line Who protects your...

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