Data Acquisition Systems DATALOG


Catalog excerpts

Data Acquisition Systems  DATALOG - 2

Ω U DCProcesssignals Processsignals Drycontact ~ U AC > Resistance Straingauges ThermocouplesPt 100 (1) Thermocouples > (1)Full, half- or quarter- bridge gauges. Need a power supply board which occupies 1 I/O slot.(2) RS 485 or RS 232C network interface. MODBUS/RTU (binary) protocol. Up to 32 modules can be linked. D ≤ 1 200 m.(3)RS 232 C interface ASCII or MODBUS/RTU programmable. >

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Data Acquisition Systems  DATALOG - 3

149 x 160149 x 291 149 x 393Front panel dimensions in mmDepth:410 mm, 470 mm with protection cover M E C H A N I C A LS P E C I F I C AT I O N SS i z e I/O board slots 29 14Universal analogue inputs, digital inputsElectrotechnical boardHigh speed acquisition boardStrain gauge power supply Relay outputs, analogue outputs +, -, /, X, OR, AND, NOT, ≤ , =, ≥ , < >, square root, log, NL, absolutevalue, statistics: maximum, minimum, average, standard deviation,trigonometric function, time base in seconds ✓ ✓✓ M o n i t o r i n g ✓ ✓✓ 4 programmable thresholds per channel Bulk storage ✓ ✓✓ In...

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Data Acquisition Systems  DATALOG - 5

T-RMS value measurement (AC + DCmode). The accuracies (uncertainties) aregiven for a sine wave voltage without DCcomponent.Measurement minimum scanning time:2seconds.Measurement range: 4 to 110% of rangefrom 40 to 400 Hz.Crest factor influence (CF): 1% for CF = 3.Repeatability between two channels: R a n g eR e s o l u t i o nU n c e rtainty at 1 meas/s (1) 90 days 1 year 60 mV600 mV6 V60 V100 V 10 V100 յV1 mV10 mV100 mV 0.3 %+100 V0.3 %+1 mV0.3 %+10 mV0.3 %+100 mV0.3 %+1 V 0.5 %+100 յV0.5 %+1 mV0.5 %+10 mV0.5 %+100 mV0.5 %+1 V > (1) The uncertainty is given in (% rdg + C) at 23ѰC 5ѰC with...

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