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AST-LOCK™ PRIMER N Technical Data Sheet P/N39118 Page 1 of 1 March 2016 Typical Properties PropertyValue Product Description AST-LOCK™ Primer N accelerates the cure time for our AST-LOCK™ Threadlockers. Primers are used for hard metals such as Stainless Steel, Titanium and other alloys which do not easily release metal ions during assembly. They are normally not needed for soft metals such as Aluminum, Brass and Bronze. A Primer may also be needed if the Threadlocker is being applied in cold temperatures, if there is a large bond gap or if the parts have to be put into Service in a shorter period of time. AST-LOCK™ Primer N contains n-Heptane as the solvent and activators which greatly speed the cure time of our AST-LOCK™ Threadlocker, Sealants and certain Retaining compounds. Cleaning Parts must be clean and free of grease, oil, foreign material or old Retaining Compounds. Normally cleaning with an appropriate solvent and / or wiring brushing the parts to ensure they are clean is adequate preparation. Application Primer N is a thin liquid which can be applied by wiping, brushing or spraying onto the part. For larger parts we recommend applying the primer to both surfaces, for smaller parts only one surface need to be treated. The solvent should be allowed to evaporate before assembly. The solvent contained in Primer N evaporates very quickly but is also Highly Flammable so care should be taken to avoid open flames until the solvent has evaporated. Under no circumstance should a Primer be mixed with a Threadlocker, Retaining Compound or Sealant. This could result in an exothermic curing of the adhesive and render it unusable. Do not return un-used Primer to its container. Once the Primer is applied to the part and solvent evaporates, assembly should be promptly made. For pre-activating parts for up to 7 days prior to assembly use our Primer T. Storage Since Primer N is Highly Flammable is must be stored in an appropriate manner and the relevant procedures for the storage and use of Highly Flammable materials must be observed. Do not store next to strong oxidizing agents, open flames and high heat sources and store in closed containers. Cautions This product is not recommended for use in an oxygen system and not for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. Read all information on labels and Material Safety Data Sheets prior to use. All products should be tested and evaluated for a particular purpose prior to use. GHS compliant This product requires GHS pictograms on labels. Refer to Label and SDS for GHS information. Shelf Life The shelf life is approximately 12 month in an unopened container stored below 70 F. Product Limited Warranty This information is based on information we believe to be reliable and accurate, but no guarantee of its accuracy is made for a particular application. We urge and recommend that Users pretest their application prior to incorporating the product into use and assume that the User will conduct such testing. Also see warranty statement on website. Available In: SIZE: 8oz ANTI-SEIZE TECHNOLOGY 2345 N. 17th AVE. • FRANKLIN PARK, IL 60131-3432 847-455-2300 • www.antiseize.com
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