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PPCP3-M1 - 1

• MEMS Silicon Capacitive Pressure Sensor • Differential / Gauge Operation • Pressure Range : 10, 50, 100, 200, 400, 500, 750, 1000 mbar • RoHS Compliant • High Resolution • Low Power Consumption • Standard 8-pin DIP package Description Pewatron has developed a series of pressure sensors targeting a variety of markets. The PPCP3-M1 is a MEMS based silicon capacitive pressure sensor with world class reso-lution. The pressure sensor is underpinned by ESS's innovative SOI-surfacemicromachining technology. PPCP3-M1 is a differential pressure sensor with a resolution of <15pbar with SPI and I2Ctm interfaces. The sensor includes a high resolution XA ADC to digitize the signal. The digital output is ful-ly calibrated and temperature compensated based on the internal temperature sensor and the factory calibration coefficients which are stored in the embedded memory. Thus the sensor is ready to be installed directly to the end user system without further processing. A low phase noise oscillator is also integrated, eliminating the need for any external components. Different power modes are available enabling low power operation, while the output rate, thus the conversion speed is programmed allowing the end user to customize /optimize performance. Parameters of the sensor can be programmed on the fly on every power on reset. The sensor provides high accuracy 32- bit pressure and temperature outputs. PPCP3-M1 sensor is a Silicon Capacitive Pressure Sensor with excellent long term stability. The sensor is incorporated in a standard 8-pin DIP package with a variety of pneumatic port options. • Differential / Gauge operation • High accuracy [0.5%FS including repeatability, hysteresis and thermal effects] • High sensitivity / Resolution • Excellent thermal behavior • Standard Footprint • Different Power Modes • No external Components Needed • Overpressure at high side at least 4 bar independent of sensor pressure range Target Application Areas • Medical • Consumer goods • HVAC • Filtration Systems • Process Automation • Gas Flow • Flow Switch Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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PPCP3-M1 - 2

High Side Port Figure 1: Side View Performance Characteristics DO NOT CONNECT POWER SUPPLY (Decoupling capacitor already included) NO CONNECT GROUND CHIP SELECT (Connect to VDD if I2CTM is used) SPI SERIAL DATA IN I2CTM DATA / SPI SERIAL DATA OUT I2CTM CLOCK / SPI CLOCK Sensor Type Pressure Range Compensation Temperature Range Operating / Storage Temperature Accuracy Humidity Effects Interfaces Proof Pressure Media Compatibility < ±0.5% FS2 No change up to 90%RH Non condensing Digital: SPI / I2CTM x 43 Inert, Non-Corrosive, Non-Condensing, Clean Gases Max Power Consumption @ +3.3V 3.8mA...

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PPCP3-M1 - 3

PPCP3-M1 provides a 32-bit, 2's complement, fixed-point digital output which corresponds to the calibrated and temperature compensated data. The calibrated data are calculated by the calibration and temperature compensation logic unit, after the programming of the proper calibration coefficients (Factory Programmed). The calibrated data can be read through the Calibrated Data Registers shown in Table 1. The 4 registers which compose the 32-bit calibrated data should be read by using a multiple read transaction of 4 bytes in order to assure that the 4 bytes read correspond to the same data...

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PPCP3-M1 - 4

SPI Transaction and Code Examples 7 Bits 1 Bit 8 Bits Figure 5: General Format of an SPI Transaction 7 Bits 1 Bit 8 Bits Figure 6: General Format of an SPI WRITE Transaction 7 Bits 1 Bit 8 Bits MOSI MISO Figure 7: General Format of an SPI READ Transaction 7 Bits + R/W Bit '1 ' 8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits ^TDDRESStoREA^J^ATABYTE^J^ATABYTE^J^ATABYTE^J^ATABYTE^ ^ MOSI | MISO Figure 8: Format of an SPI MULTI-READ Transaction Pseudo Code for a multi read SPI transaction to read the Pseudo Code for a single write SPI transaction to...

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PPCP3-M1 - 5

PPCP3-M1 SERIES I2CTM Interface Description In order to read the sensor data using the TWI protocol the timing conditions of figure 9 must be held. The transaction sequence for reading the 4 bytes of the calibrated data is shown in figure 15. The default slave address of the sensors is 0x5A ThSTART TSCL_HIGH TSCL_LOW Figure 9: I2CTM timing diagram TSCL_HIGH ThSTART @ fMCLK = 1.2MHz ThDATA @ fMCLK = 1.2MHz TSCL_LOW @ fMCLK = 1.2MHz TsSTOP @ fMCLK = 1.2MHz TPS @ fMCLK = 1.2MHz TsSTART @ fMCLK = 1.2MHz TsDATA @ fMCLK = 1.2MHz Table 2: I2C Timing Requirements VDD Figure 10: Example Application...

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PPCP3-M1 - 6

PPCP3-M1 SERIES I2CTM Transaction and Code Examples S MASTER SLAVE Figure 11: I2CTM Slave Address WRITE Transaction S MASTER SLAVE Figure 12: I2CTM Slave Address READ Transaction 7 Bits + R/W Bit 0 SLAVE ADDRESS REGISTER ADDRESS Figure 13: I2CTM Register Address Definition 1 Bit SLAVE ADDRESS Figure 14: I2CTM Multi Read Transaction from last defined address 7 Bits + R/W Bit 0 SLAVE ADDRESS REGISTER ADDRESS SLAVE ADDRESS Figure 15: I2CTM Multi Read Transaction from defined address S MASTER NACK

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PPCP3-M1 - 7

Pseudo Code for a multi read I2C transaction to read the calibrated output int8 DataByte[4]; int32 CalData = 0; Float32 Pressure = 0.0; I2C_Start(); Ack = I2C_Write (0x5A << 1 | 0x01); PPCP3-M1 SERIES Pseudo Code for a single write I2C transaction to write one register I2C_Start(); Ack = I2C_Write (0x5A << 1 | 0x01); If (Ack == 0) { Ack = I2C_Write(Register Address); If (Ack == 0) { Ack = I2C_Write(0x00); If (Ack == 0) { I2C_Start(); //Restart Condition Ack = I2C_Write(0x5A << 1 & 0xFE); If (Ack == 0) { DataByte[0] = I2C_Read(ACK); DataByte[1] = I2C_Read(ACK); DataByte[2] =...

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PPCP3-M1 - 8

For the calibration and temperature compensation of the pressure sensor taking into account the pressure range, the temperature compensation range, Pewatron is configuring the ASIC with the necessary parameters to reach the optimum performance in terms of accuracy. These configuration settings are factory programmed on the OTP memory. These settings can be altered during run time by accessing the corresponding configuration register but will revert to the factory settings once the sensor is pow-er cycled and power on reset takes effect. Depending on the given transaction types and...

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All Angst+Pfister Sensors and Power AG catalogs and technical brochures

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