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PBM220_100-33-421-003-EH-1216 - 1

PBM220 series Digital barometer Supply voltage: 1.7 to 5.5V(VDD) 1.2 to 5.5V(VDDIO) 300 to 1100 hPa pressure range 8cm altitude resolution (RMS) 2.2ms fastest conversion time Standby current <0.1μA I2C and SPI interfaces Calibrated and temperature compensated Outdoor PND Sport watch Diving watch Weather forecast device Smart watch Altimeter and barometer for portable device Bike computer Descriptions The PBM220 is a new generation of high resolution digital barometer. The PBM220 is a digital pressure sensor which consists of a MEMS piezoresistive pressure sensor and a signal conditioning ASIC. The ASIC include a 24bits sigma-delta ADC, OTP memory for calibration data, and serial interface circuits. The PBM220 could provide both I2C and SPI interface to communicate with microcontroller. Pressure calibrated and temperature compensated were key features of the PBM220. The data stored in OTP memory could be used to calibrate the PBM220. The calibration procedure should be implemented by a external microprocessor. The PBM220 is low power and supply voltage designed and suitable for portable devices or battery-supplied ones. The PBM220 is designed for water resistant applications. It could meet the criterion of 100m water resistant according to ISO 2281 standard. Ordering information Part No. Pressure type Absolute Absolute Absolute Pressure range

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PBM220_100-33-421-003-EH-1216 - 2

Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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Functional Block and Pin Descriptions VDD Pressure Sensor Control Logic Temp Sensor Fig. 1 Functional Block Diagram of PBM220 Serial clock Ground supply Chip Select Not connected Power supply Not connected Serial data input/output in I2C mode(SDA) SDA/SDI/SDIO Serial data input in 4-wire SPI mode(SDI) Serial data input/output in 3-wire SPI mode (SDIO) Serial data output in 4-wire SPI mode SDO/ADDR Address select in I2C mode

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2 Elect^i^^l Cl^racteristic Parameter 1. All the data were measured with 3V supply voltage at a temperature of 25±3°C, unless otherwise noted. 2. Maximum error of pressure reading over the pressure range after offset adjusted at one pressure point. 3. Maxi mum error of press urn reading over th e pressure range. 4. According to 32 bit integer compensation formula._ Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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5 Control registers Table 5.1 control registers Reg 0xF6-0xF8 Data_out: 24 bitt ADO output data Reg 0xF4 CtSR<l:0>: 00:1024X, 01:2048X, 10:4096X, 11:8192X MeasuremenVeontroFcS:01-: lOinO. rnficate t temperature conversion. 1 lOlOO.mdicate a pressure conversion. Reg OxER Softreset:Write only reg(t1eu pf setto 0tB6,wiUpeefcum a powes anrene1 ieedeeae. Autoeelnmed to 0 after Cte softreset completed. Reg {OxFl, OxDO, euBBaOxAAp CaliOfoOion Registers : Total 20bytes calibration registers used for sensor calibration. Reg 0x6B PartID: 8 bits IirnO yD r the de>nulO ealue ie tx4a. Reg...

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Table 5.2 Summary of instructions Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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Figure 6.1 SPI timing diagram The falling edge of CSB, in conjunction with the rising edge of SCLK, determines the start of framing. Once the beginning of the frame has been determined, timing is straightforward. The first phase of the transfer is the instruction phase, which consists of 16 bits followed by data that can be of variable lengths in multiples of 8 bits. If the device is configured with CSB tied low, framing begins with the first rising edge of SCLK. The instruction phase is the first 16 bits transmitted. As shown in Figure 5.2, the instruction phase is divided into a number of...

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Data follows the instruction phase. The amount of data sent is determined by the word length (Bit WO and Bit W1). This can be one or more bytes of data. All data is composed of 8-bit words. Data can be sent in either MSB-first mode or LSB-frrst mode (by setting ‘LSB_tirst’ bit). On power up, MSB-first mode is the default. This can be changed by programming the configuration register. In MSB-first mode, the serial exchange starts with the highest-order bit and ends with the LSB. In LSB-lirst mode, the order is reversed. (Figure 6.3) CSB \/ SCL don'tcare^ Q A A A A A A A H A A H A H A A H...

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Table 7.2 Electrical specification of the I2C interface pins Symbol Clock frequency Setup Time for a repeated start condition Hold time for a start condition Setup Time for a stop condition Time before a new transmission can start Figure 7.1 I2C Timing Diagram The I2C interface protocol has special bus signal conditions. Start (S), stop (P) and binary data conditions are shown below. At start condition, SCL is high and SDA has a falling edge. Then the slave address is sent. After the 7 address bits, the direction control bit R/W selects the read or write operation. When a slave device...

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START ADCRRSSFA ACK DATA ACK STOP VA Contact pads F0 Dielectric Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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All dimensions are in mm. 8.3.2 Sensor orientation relative to the tape £ e e 0 e e e t r L Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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First edition (Preliminary)_ : Fill ed in the spec, of Maxmian enarover suppty itoltage, page 4 M eg: fI wavrform, R^O.^Fi^O^, Fj^g.ti. r, pig. A. ^steetable, description related to 0xF4, page 6 I2C address “ 11011 11”-CnsTl 0(11 l°,page 9_ M td: Figure. 4.1Apc^licft^en circuitfor l2Cmtsrfave, page 5_ : 8ms pressrre aonvers8oe timr, jr^e ] Modified: Function blocg diagracn: Cich^Lo.ms-^Control Logic, page 3 Apjrhnatian circuit: Microcontrillor-^ Microcontroller, page 5 Reg0xF6-0xF8 ^Rsg 0xF6-0xF8- pafp 9 3gfxE0 Rf Rearran^EjlreBir man. nwHUa mu nnnm 8.3 Tage and Real spxcification, pgge...

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1.3 Modified: 8.1 Outline dimensions, removed the solder layer, page 11 Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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PBM220_100-33-421-003-EH-1216 PEI/LPOT30N am emberofthe Angst + Pfister Group Sales Switzerland & Liechtenstein Sales International Key Accounts Sales Germony Sales Austria kurt.stritzelberger@pewatron.com dieter.hirthe@pewatron.com Sales OtherCountries / Product Manag eree c9 Sensors Physical tcrmors Data Acquisition Thomas Clausen Phone+41 r^4 6^yf9 0C 13 thomas.clecren @ 20W2 tron .co m Geometrical Sensors E-Components Current Serreos Mmn Mactinrlntaefrco Measurement Probes Sebastiano Leggio Phone+41 44 877 35 06 sebastiano.leggio@pewatron.com Competitive sensor & power supply solutions...

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