Luca vs Interline CCD


Catalog excerpts

Luca vs Interline CCD - 1

etoN lacinhceT Luca-R EMCCD vs. Interline CCD for cell microscopy applications 70-ceD- 31 esU lanr etxE Technical Note

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Luca vs Interline CCD - 2

etoN lacinhceT .rehto hcae ot evitaler ylthgils detator era sega mi eht taht etoN .egami taht ni tnanimod si dna )kaep-ot-kaep e02 ~ ot pu .e.i( smr e 5.5 si aremac enilretni eht fo esion daeR .elpmas eht detanimulli )mn884 ta Wm 2 .xorppa( re wop resal elbaliava fo %01 dna desu saw emit erusopxe sm 001 .snoitidnoc gnigami thgil wol rednu DCCME R-acuL .sv DCC enilretni xiPM 3.1 – 1 erugiF - .noituloser retteb ,tluser a sa ,dna tsartnoc langis retteb hcum gnireviled ,DCC enilretni eht smrofreptuo ylgnicnivnoc DCCME R-acuL eht ,snoitidnoc gnigami thgil wol rednU .ezis lexip rellams fo...

Open the catalog to page 2
Luca vs Interline CCD - 3

etoN lacinhceT . .R acuL DCCME eht ot derapmoc egami noituloser rehgih tahwemos a droffa won ezis lexip rellams eht dna ,rotcaf a fo ssel hcum si DCC enilretni eht fo smr e 5.5 ehT .1 erugiF ni desu naht rehgih x04 saw tset siht gnirud ytisnetni langi S .snoitidnoc langis rehgih rednu R-acuL .sv are mac enilretni xiPM 3.1 – 2 erugiF - .tnemerusaem llec evil yb desopmi sdnamed fo lacipyt ,)rewop resal wol ro/dna erusopxe trohs( snoitidnoc thgil-woL .)rewop resal rehgih ro/dna serusopxe regnol( snoitidnoc hcir-thgiL .2 dna .1 snoitidnoc neewteb gnillaf e.i ,langis etaidemretnI :snoitidnoc...

Open the catalog to page 3
Luca vs Interline CCD - 4

Results Under restricted signal conditions, derived through use of low laser power and/or short exposures, the Luca R significantly out-performed the interline CCD sensor, both in terms of Signal-to-Noise and resolution (because the latter is highly influenced by the former) as shown in Figure 1. Application of EM Gain of the Luca-R serves to amplify the weak signal above the read noise floor, thus drastically improving contrast and definition of fine structural features inside the imaged cell. The lower sensitivity of the interline CCD camera is due primarily to the influence of the read...

Open the catalog to page 4
Luca vs Interline CCD - 5

etoN lacinhceT .rosnes DCC enilretni eht fo daeha ti snoitisop ytilibixelf dna ytivitisnes war s’ti yberehw krow llec evil rof eciohc retteb hcum eht R-acuL sekam siht llA • .snoitidnoc thgil wol rednu llew ylemertxe dna ,snoitidnoc thgirb rednu llew etarepo lliw R acuL .rehto ro egats emos ta )etar emarf rehgih ro( snoitidnoc thgil wol ot hsup yletamitlu lliw sresu eht gnigami llec evil ni netfO .niag ME eht fo kcal fo esuaceb niatta tonnac aremac pihc DCC enilretni eht taht ytilibixelf sreffo R acuL • .esac siht ni sa ,esion elbissop tsewol rof dezimitpo rosnes DCC enilretni eht...

Open the catalog to page 5
Luca vs Interline CCD - 6

etoN lacinhceT .gninnib/yarra-bus rednu retsaf hcum dna ,)R-acuL fo ces/semarf 5.21 ot desoppo sa( ces/semarf lluf 03 ot pu setar emarf sreviled 588 +noXi - .dnuorgkcab notohp wol yrev htiw seitiladom gnigami tifeneb nac hcihw ,noitacifilpma-ME rednu esion krad eht seziminim )C0 59- ot nwod( 588 +noXi eht fo gnilooc muucav repeed ehT - .stniartsnoc latnemirepxe ot retteb tius yam )gnisuoh erauqs tcapmoc ylemertxe na ni elbaliava osla( R-acuL tcapmoc ylhgih eht – .esu potpal ot detcirtser nehw sa hcus ,stnemnorivne tnemerusaem emos ot detius retteb eb yam R-acuL eht fo ecafretni 0.2 BSU eht...

Open the catalog to page 6

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