Catalog excerpts

Diesel Engine Safety Solutions System Selection Guide
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Diesel Engines: A potential source of ignition Diesel engine speed is governed by controlling the amount of fuel fed to the engine through its fuel system and internal speed govenor. If a flammable material is drawn into the air intake system of a diesel engine it acts as an additional ungoverned fuel supply. This additional fuel source can cause the diesel engine to accelerate or overspeed out of control. This condition is referred to as diesel engine runaway. The result of a diesel engine runaway can range from engine damage to a catastrophic explosion. Operating the normal shutdown...
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Automatic Electric Overspeed Detection Shutdown System The automatic electric overspeed protection shutdown system is designed to continuously monitor diesel engine RPM to immediately shutdown the engine in the event of an overspeed condition. The RevGuard Speed Switch monitors engine RPM using either a flywheel mounted magnetic pickup or a signal from the engine alternator. It will immediately transmit a signal to trigger the shutdown of the Air Intake Shutoff Valve when the engine RPM exceeds a preset limit. The system also includes a Manual Override Toggle Switch that can be used to...
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Automatic Electric to Pneumatic Overspeed Detection Shutdown System The automatic electric to pneumatic overspeed detection shutdown system is designed to continuously monitor diesel engine RPM to immediately shutdown the engine in the event of an overspeed condition. ately activate the 3-way pneumatic solenoid when the engine RPM exceeds a preset limit, which pressurizes the Air Intake Shutoff Valve to close. The system also includes a manual override toggle switch that can be used to manually close the Air Intake Shutoff Valve to check and demonstrate the operation of the air pressure...
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Manual Engine Overspeed Shutdown Systems Manual Electric Overspeed Shutdown System overspeed protection shutdown system uses a Manual Toggle Switch Shutoff Valve. Supply Power Manual Toggle Contact Relay Circuit Breaker Shutoff Valve Manual Electric to Pneumatic Shutdown System uses the Manual Toggle Pneumatic Solenoid which Shutoff Valve to close. Supply Power Manual Override Toggle Switch Circuit Breaker Pneumatic Actuated Butterfly Air Intake Shutoff Valve Solenoid Operated Pneumatic Valve Butterfly Intake Shutoff Valve Used to seal off intake air to a diesel engine for emergency...
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Manual Engine Overspeed Safety Solutions Cable Operated Shutdown System The cable operated system uses a pull cable with T-handle to manually close the Air Intake Shutoff Valve. Versions for twin remote pull cables available. Versions using remote push to stop button are also available. Pneumatic or Manual Cable Operated Shutdown System The pneumatic manual shutdown system uses the pneumatic man- ual toggle valve to pressurize the Air Intake Shutoff Valve to close. Secondary operation by a remote cable and either manual push or manual pull control is available on some models. Manual Toggle...
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Product Overview Butterfly Air Intake Shutoff Valves The Butterfly Air Intake Shutoff Valve provides emergency shutdown of a diesel engine. When the positive spring actuated valve closes, it starves the diesel engine of air and combustible vapor ingested through the air intake line. PVX Type SVX Type • • • • • • • • • Compact design Three body sizes: - 3”, 5”, 8” Large range of modular hose adaptors between 1 1/2” and 8” Step change of diameter possible Electric SVX range in 12 or 24 VDC Manual reset by lever on valve Position indicator switch available Pneumatic MPX range (Manual reset)...
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Product Overview Solenoid Operated Pneumatic Valves When the system detects overspeed and applies battery voltage to the 3/2 way valve, the solenoid opens the internal ports allowing air pressure to pass and trip the air intake valve. When the engine speed drops, the system disconnects the power so that the valve vents the line to the air intake valve and closes (resets) automatically. • • • • • • • Ideal for large trucks with air braking systems 12 V and 24 V models available SVA-200 24V type has DIN connection and cable plug included (rated IP65) Brass valve body 1/4” BSP threads for air...
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Automatic Electric to Pneumatic System Wiring Diagram Wiring diagram for 12 Volt Chalwyn MPX valve with electric/air solenoid and magnetic pick-up signal IF AUTOMATIC VALVE RESET IS REQUIRED CONSULT CHALWYN
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Chalwyn has a history of almost 40 years in manufacturing engine safety shut down valves to support the oil and gas In 2008 Chalwyn was acquired by AMOT, a global manu- facturer of valves, controls and monitoring solutions for the protection of engines, compressors, turbines and heavy equip- ment. AMOT has served a wide variety of markets since 1948 including industrial, marine, oil and gas, power generation and Together, the AMOT, Roda Deaco and Chalwyn brands offer an extensive family of engine safety solutions that are approved by many significant oil, gas and LNG production companies...
Open the catalog to page 12All AMOT catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
7001 Swing Gate
4 Pages
4095 2-Way Vent Valve
1 Pages
4395 Electric Trip Switch
4 Pages
4103D Temperature Detector
4 Pages
1672 Pressure Sensing Valve
7 Pages
4047 Pressure Valve
5 Pages
4109 Vibration Sensor
7 Pages
Model 8402
6 Pages
Model 4123C
5 Pages
Model 4418F
9 Pages
Model 4420
7 Pages
Model 2180
6 Pages
XTS-W Bearing Wear Monitor (BWM)
11 Pages
4 Pages
MPD Introduction
12 Pages
Control System Solutions
12 Pages
Chalwyn Spark Arrestors
4 Pages
Product Selection Guide
20 Pages
Intake Air Shutoff Valve
4 Pages
Temperature Control Valve
21 Pages
Metal Particle Detector
8 Pages
2 or 3-Way Pressure Valve
5 Pages