Amongo 15'' Fanless wide touch screen industrial panel pc
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Amongo 15'' Fanless wide touch screen industrial panel pc - 1

Processor System Touch screen(optional) Pòwèf supply Temperature Range 'JisJay Type/ ümCSagOUlj PUíl ^iLli !i IÌII CuTpuI flBJdng lite Aie.™ a-ôo p?u (1 eGHa; TDP *W 2r3E DDR II S-.DPAU OF lyMSrr rii*rir>ry 5**p»t* ? S'IWr, ftifXlRPM SATA Opric-nl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PS/Í mouw iíid KvybOBia pert Uefa jit»L' COM or abevs Í4 COM (optional I Osfa^ltKg C&& or arjevs aft JSB [cptlrjnal) _ IILPT pert IxDVil part IxCF port lxPCl part »>: I Oi' 103/ 10OCMbpE Ethernet; Ci oat II Dptlooat) Mechanical Drawing Order Informati Mernu; y:2G8 DDR II SDRAM o\ system memoiy Industrial automation Kiosk Retail Slore Meditai Treatment

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