Catalog excerpts

The Automatic Microhardness Testing Solution that Works.
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Modular. Adaptable. Upgradeable. Simple. Accurate. Is your company looking to reduce the cost in a variety of microhardness applications? Then the Newage C.A.M.S., Computer-Assisted Microhardness System, is your best answer. The system combines a microhardness tester with a computer, software options, and manual or motorized test sample positioning in 1, 2, or 3 axes. Compared to other systems, C.A.M.S. is the one system that has the accuracy in all types of applications, usability for any level of operator skill, and the range of features and options to fit into your current operations and...
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UPGRADE EXAMPLES ON COMPETITIVE MICROHARDNESS TESTERS. COMPLETE AUTOMATIC TRAVERSE MICROHARDNESS TESTING SYSTEM BASIC MICROHARDNESS TESTERS AUTOMATIC TRAVERSE SYSTEMS Features complete automatic traverse capability Example of a standard Leco microhardness One of two automatic Clemex micro-hardness with automatic positioning in two axes, plus tester upgraded for automatic measurement testers used in the aerospace industry that were automatic focusing as well as a wide range of capabilities. upgraded with Newage software and motor control. other options.
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Increased Productivity. Reduced Testing Costs. Fast Return on Your Investment. C.A.M.S. operation is simple, even for your most sophisticated testing. All operations can be completed using basics procedures. And the intuitive controls allow you to add specialized capabilities at any time. As your needs grow, your system can be continually upgraded and enhanced with additional features. Your investment in C.A.M.S. ensure a fast return on that investment and increased productivity and reduced testing costs. Example 1: Traverse Operations Traverse Routines Can Be Generic... Operator can create...
Open the catalog to page 4
Example 2: On-Screen Navigation Navigation Can Be Simple... C.A.M.S. operators frequently comment on the exceptional user-friendliness of the system. The on-screen navigation for systems with motorized X/Y tables is a good example. The arrow buttons are a simple, universal navigation mode that you can use to move anywhere over the sample for any type of operation. Push a button and the view moves in that direction over the surface of the sample. You can select to move in smaller or larger steps. Even complicated automatic traverse test routines can be exceptionally simple, since you don’t...
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Accurate. Consistent. Repeatable. Ideal for a Wide Range of Conditions and Environments. Achieving good accuracy and repeatability are more complex than simply obtaining good results on perfectly produced test blocks using a technician at a heightened level of attention. The C.A.M.S. system can operate exceptionally well on a variety of test surface conditions, and with the range of surface leveling and rounding at the edge of a sample, that is typically encountered on mounted test samples. One signiciant advantage of the C.A.M.S. systems is its lack of contrast dependence. Shading...
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SIMPLE OPERATION. SERVICE AND SUPPORT YOU CAN COUNT ON. The C.A.M.S. system is unique among automatic-traverse microhardness systems. It is the only auto-traverse system built from the ground up for hardness testing - as opposed to being an image analysis machine which also does microhardness. The software is well adapted, having been developed over a period of time, with many enhancements based on customer feedback. Plus, the software is completely written in-house. Changes and modifications can be easily accommodated. Technical support is fast and more substantial. Consider it software...
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Other Systems for Micro/Macrohardness, Weld Traverse & Case Depth Analysis Macro Vickers Systems Several models of Vickers macrohardness testers are available in standard and semi-custom models. The model see in the photo above is a semi-custom unit with a fixed load and custom fixture with manual positioning. Automatic Jominy Newage has manual and automatic Jominy testers in single or multisample (above) configurations with quick change fixtures for testing multiple sides and software to perform all the plotting automatically. Rockwell Weld Traverse Newage has produced weld traverse units...
Open the catalog to page 8All Ametek Newage Testing Instruments catalogs and technical brochures
Newage® Pocket Brinell Scope
2 Pages
MS-ZH Series
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Pocket Scope
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HiLight Series
3 Pages
Pin Brinell Hardness Tester
3 Pages
KB Series
2 Pages
Versitron Rockwell Tester
11 Pages
Exacta Series Durometers
2 Pages
ME-2 Series
4 Pages