Linear Cable Reel Sensor
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Linear Cable Reel Sensor - 1

Linear Cable Reel Sensor

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Linear Cable Reel Sensor - 2

Principles of Operation The Series 925 Linear Cable Reel can be used in any linear application up to 1200 inches. The system consists of a heavy duty spring motor assembly attached to a precision machined cable drum. As the cable is pulled off of the precision drum, the drum rotates a shaft connected to it. This shaft is precisely geared such that the full number of revolutions of the drum is equal to the appropriate number of revolutions required by the chosen sensor. Applications The Series 925 can be used in any industrial application to monitor a linear or reciprocat-ing machine...

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Linear Cable Reel Sensor - 3

Cable Reel Sensor Hardware Type A1 = 0 - 96 inch StrokeA2 = 97 - 192 inch Stroke B1 = 193 - 480 inch Stroke Single Spring B2 = 193 - 480 inch Stroke Double Spring C = 481 - 1200 inch Stroke Active Stroke in Inches Initial Cable Lead in Inches First 72 inches of intial lead is no charge. Cable lead above 72 inches an additional charge per inch.Leave blank if no initial cable lead required. Sensor Type S = Single-turn Resolver M = Multi-turn Resolver P1 = Single-turn Potentiomenter P2 = Multi-turn Potentiometer E1 = Provision for an Incremental Encoder* E2 = Provision for an Absolute Sensor*...

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Linear Cable Reel Sensor - 6

Single Turn Resolver Cable reel sensor with single turn resolvers are setup so that the full stroke of the cable reel is equal to approximately 350 degrees rotation of the resolver. The resolver signal is fed to a con- verting device, like the Gemco Series 2500 PLS. The Series 2500 can be scaled to display the linear motion of the cable reel sensor. Example: A 20 ft.. stroke cable reel sensor is specified to be used with our Series 2500 PLS. Desired accuracy is .01 ft. By calculating a scale factor based on 360 degrees rotation of the resolver such that 2000 counts or (20.00 ft.) is...

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Linear Cable Reel Sensor - 7


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Linear Cable Reel Sensor - 8


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