Catalog excerpts

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AMC-SCHOU HIGH PRODUCTION RE-GRINDER The AMC-SCHOU K-1200HPR Crankshaft Grinder is without comparison one of the fastest machines in the world for re-grinding crankshafts. Time studies have proven floor to floor time for grinding pin journals on a 4 cylinder crankshaft to be less than 4 minutes. With the AMC-SCHOU High Production Re-grinder you will benefit from fast set-up time, fast grinding time as well as simple and reliable operation without sacrificing quality. AMC-SCHOU RECTIFICADORADE CIGOeNALES DE ALTAPRODUCCI6N La rectificadora de ciguehales AMC-SCHOU K-1200HPR es sin lugar a...
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AXIAL POSITIONING Axial journal positioning gauge for quick and precise alignment of journal to wheel position. POSICIONAMIENTO AXIAL Calibrador de posicionamiento axial para un alineamiento rapido y preciso desde el munon hasta la position de la muela. AUTOMATIC IN-PROCESS GAUGE Axial journal positioning gauge for quick and precise alignment of journal to wheel position. medici6n automAtica en proceso Dispositivo de medicion automatica en proceso con hasta 3 diametros de munones pre-pro-gramados para rectificado automatico a la medida. SET-UP INDICATOR Set-up indicator with quick set dial...
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AMC-SCHOU - HIGH PRODUCTION RE-GRINDER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS Max. distance between chucks mm Distancia maxima entre platos inch Max. distance between centres mm Distancia maxima entre centros inch Swing over table mm Volteo sobre la mesa inch Max. stroke - twice off-set of centres mm Carrera maxima (doble del descentramiento) inch Steady rest, standard, min. capacity mm Luneta, standard, capacidad minima inch Steady rest, standard, max. capacity mm Luneta, standard, capacidad maxima inch Max. workpiece diameter - new wheel mm Diametro maximo de pieza (muela...
Open the catalog to page 4All AMC-SCHOU A/S catalogs and technical brochures
Cylinder Honing Machine
4 Pages
Surface Grinder
4 Pages
Crankshaft Grinders
4 Pages