Catalog excerpts

Fiber optic Signal conditioner TempSens Multi-channel signal conditioner tor applications using gaas based temperature sensors ALTHEN SENSORS & CONTROLS TempSens ■ Description The TempSens is a multi-channel and easy to operate signal conditioner that is used with any of our GaAs-based fiber optic temperature sensors. At the heart of the TempSens is Semiconductor Band Gap (SCBG) technology which provides a mean for making accurate measurements of the temperature-dependent bandgap of GaAs crystal. The TempSens is equipped with a large visible LCD and it comes with standard ±5 V outputs and a RS-232 communication port for real-time data acquisition. The TempSens can be controlled directly using the front- panel keypad or remotely using the standard RS-232 interface. The TempSens has a channel sampling rate of 50 Hz and channel switching rate of up to 6.25 Hz. With a ± 0.3 °C accuracy or better (total accuracy including both signal conditioner and sensor errors from 20°C to 45°C) and 0.1 °C resolution, the TempSens delivers the performances needed for a wide range of critical measurement applications. Use with GaAs (SCBG) fiber optic temperature sensors ■ Key features • ± 0.3 °C total system accuracy ■ 4 or 8 channels with large LCD display • High linearity and repeatability • 50 Hz sampling rate • ±5 V and RS-232 output interfaces • OEM version available ■ Applications • General laboratory applications • Temperature monitoring in MR environment • RF, ultrasound and electro surgery environments • High voltage environments • EMI, RFI and microwave environments • Microwave and food processing • Nuclear and hazardous environments • Civil engineering and geotechnical applications
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Compatibility All our GaAs fiber optic sensors Accuracy ± 0.3 °C or better (Total accuracy over the full range from 20°C to 45°C including both signal conditioner and sensor errors) ± 0.8 °C or better (Total accuracy over the full range -20°C to 250°C including both signal conditioner and sensor errors) Sampling rate Channel scanning rate Output interface Input power Consumption Enclosure 0.1 °C 50 Hz standard (rate given for a fixed channel) 6.25 Hz maximum (channel-to-channel scan period = 160 ms) ±5 V and RS-232 standard 9 to 24 VDC (AC/DC wall-transformer adapter included) 2.5 W typical...
Open the catalog to page 2All Althen sensors catalogs and technical brochures
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WellSens Gen II
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FD60 analogue
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1 Pages
AF Single Point Loadcell
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Model A-5
6 Pages